  • 學位論文


Growth Effects on Bok Choy in Applying Different Types of Organic Fertilizer

指導教授 : 簡伃貞


隨著近年國內飲料店不斷拓展開店,飲品製作所產生之茶葉、蔬果廚餘量也不斷增加,而廚餘產生經常未能妥善處理,若能有效將茶葉渣以及蔬果類廚餘製作為有機肥料,並結合運用於都市中人工基盤,形成小型農業生產基地,對國內環保回收資源再利用及都市農園應用將有所助益。 本研究以廚餘製作有機肥料施用於青梗白菜進行盆式栽培試驗,實驗操作組別分別為自製蔬果廚餘肥料組、自製茶葉渣有機肥料組、市售有機肥組(三益牌金玉肥)以及不施肥組(對照組),以上4組於本校朝陽科技大學魚菜共生實習場域戶外人工基盤上進行盆式栽培試驗,實驗操作進行21天(2019/07/10~2019/07/30),實驗期間於移植後第1、5、10、15、21天進行株高測量與病蟲害紀錄,移植後第7天施肥,以氮元素為基準計算施肥推薦量使用,於第21天採收作物並測量作物淨重,期間每日紀錄當天氣候狀況,最後取樣肥料與培養土送至高雄農業改良場檢驗,進行氮、磷、鉀、有機質、酸鹼值、電導度等項目分析。 實驗結果顯示不同有機肥料對青梗白菜生長之影響,以施用自製蔬果廚餘肥料為最佳(平均株高11.18cm、平均淨重6.98g),其次為市售有機肥料(平均株高10.93cm、平均淨重5.77g),以及自製茶葉渣有機肥料(平均株高9.80cm、平均淨重3.78g),最後為不施肥組(平均株高8.60cm、平均淨重3.23g);在實驗操作過程中青梗白菜受夏季高溫與病蟲害影響其生長狀況,其中自製蔬果廚餘有機肥料生長狀況受影響為三組實驗組別中最少,作物生長狀況較佳,經本研究證明廚餘自製有機肥料對作物生長有正面效益,可作為推廣環保回收議題之參考,另相關文獻中指出鉀元素與作物抵抗環境以及病蟲害能力有關,本研究亦發現以氮元素為基準施用有機肥料,自製蔬果廚餘有機肥料氮、鉀元素更為平均且足夠,自製茶葉渣有機肥料雖氮元素含量較多,但鉀元素較自製蔬果廚餘有機肥料與市售有機肥料少,作物生長後期較容易缺乏鉀元素。


The growing number of beverage stores in Taiwan over the past few years has contributed to the rising amount of food waste from used tea leaves, fruits, and vegetables used in drink making, and such food waste is usually treated improperly. These tea leaves and fruit and vegetable waste can be processed into organic fertilizer for use in artificial base in cities to establish small-scale farming areas. This provides environmental protection research with insights into the recycling resources for reuse and urban farming. This study used food waste-based fertilizer on Bok Choy (Brassica rapa subsp. Chinensis) for a pot-cultivation experiment. In the experiment, the crop was divided into four groups according to the fertilizer used: homemade fertilizer based on fruit and vegetable waste, homemade fertilizer based on tea leaves, commercial organic fertilizer (Jinyu fertilizer manufactured by Sanyi), and no fertilizer (control group). The experiment was conducted on an outdoor artificial base in the aquaponic farming experimental site at Chaoyang University of Technology. The experiment lasted 21 days from July 10 to July 30 in 2019; the authors recorded the crop height, crop diseases, and pest damages on the 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, and 21th day after transplanting and the daily weather during the experiment. The crop was fertilized on the 7th day after transplanting, and the amount of fertilizer used was determined according to the amount of nitrogen needed. The crop was harvested and weighed on the 21th day. Finally, the fertilizer and potting soil were sampled and sent to the Kaohsiung District Agricultural Research and Extensive Station for testing, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, organic matter, pH, and electrical conductivity for subsequent analysis and discussion of the experimental results. According to the experimental results, the fertilizers differed in their effects on the growth of Bok Choy (Brassica rapa subsp. Chinensis). Specifically, the group applied with homemade fertilizer based on fruit and vegetable waste exhibited the optimal growth (average crop height = 11.18 cm; average weight = 6.98 g), followed by commercial organic fertilizer (average crop height = 10.93 cm; average weight = 5.77 g), homemade fertilizer based on tea leaves (average crop height = 9.80 cm; average weight = 3.78 g), and no fertilizer (average crop height = 8.60 cm; average weight = 3.23 g). During the experiment, the growth of Bok Choy (Brassica rapa subsp. Chinensis) was affected by the high temperature in summer, crop disease, and pest damages. The group applied with homemade fruit-and-vegetable-waste-based fertilizer was least affected by these factors and showed the optimal growth among all experimental groups. The research findings’ support on homemade food waste-based fertilizer’s positive effect on the crop’s growth may serve as a reference for future discussions of environmental protection and recycling. According to the literature, the content of potassium is associated with crops’ resistance to the external environment, plant diseases, and pests. The present study revealed that applying homemade fruit-and-vegetable-waste-based fertilizer in an amount determined according to the amount of nitrogen needed provided evenly-distributed and adequate nitrogen and potassium to fast-growing leafy vegetables. By contrast, the tea-leaf-based fertilizer, despite its high content of nitrogen, easily led to a lack of potassium in the crop’s growth.


