  • 學位論文


A Study of Applying Theme Based Taiwanese Nursery Rhyme in kindergarten curriculum

指導教授 : 孫扶志


本研究旨在運用台灣童謠發展適合幼兒之主題教學活動方案,並藉此瞭解台灣童謠主題教學內容在幼稚園所之適用性、多元性、教學歷程及教師專業成長。研究目的為: 1、運用台灣童謠發展適合幼兒之主題教學活動方案。2、落實多元智能理論於台灣童謠主題教學課程。3、探討教師在研究實施歷程中遭遇到的困難與解決之道。4. 探討教師在本教學研究中之專業成長。 本研究對象為台中市某幼稚園30名混齡幼兒,教學活動的安排為每週1次,每次40分鐘,為期16週。教學設計的內容包括歡迎歌、台灣童謠、主題故事、鄉土遊戲、鄉土文化、鄉土藝術、學習單、謝謝歌等8個活動項目,並應用與台灣童謠相關主題概念於各項活動中。研究方法以實驗教學為主,質性及量化資料為輔,亦透過教學省思札記、遊戲活動、多元評量、學習單、問卷、訪談等多元的方式作為資料蒐集之來源。 本研究主要發現及結論如下: 一、本研究設計之台灣童謠主題教學教案,依照鄉土教材的設計原理原則,包括教材大綱的設計、教材內容的編選,以及單元活動的設計,適合幼稚園及學齡前幼兒使用,可供教師進行設計鄉土教學教材之參考,並有助於提升幼兒學習鄉土課程之興趣。 二、本研究發現要有效落實多元智能理論於台灣童謠主題教學課程中,可從四個部分著手:1.以多元智能理論認識學生的個別差異;2.以多元智能理論了解教學者本身之專長;3.以多元智能理論檢核學習活動;4.以多元智能理論檢核課程目標之完備;並於資料分析結果發現,皆呈正向反應。 三、本研究在進行教學歷程中,教師遭遇困難時,利用向相關學者專家請益、結合教學者教學之舊經驗以及透過環境規劃等教學技巧,獲得解決。 四、在實際參與台灣童謠主題教學後,本研究發現教師之專業成長,將其分為教學設計、教學方法、班級經營及教學儀態四個方面。在整個教學活動歷程中,教學的臨時事件、學生狀況及反應,皆直接影響教學者省思歷程的實踐與循環。教學省思幫助教學者更能依學生需求來調整對未來的教學規劃,並藉由不斷反思提升教學者在各方面專業之成長。 基於上述結論,分別對幼教人員、政府機關及未來研究者提出幾點建議,以供參考。


The aim of this study was to use the theme based Taiwanese nursery rhyme in kindergarten curriculum. The research objectives were: 1. Developing culturally and otherwise appropriate thematic curricula for teaching Taiwanese nursery rhymes in early childhood education activities and lesson plans. 2. Realizing multiple intelligences theory in the Taiwanese nursery rhyme educational curriculum. 3. Discussion and analysis of the difficulties faced by teachers, and possible solutions, in implementing the proposed Taiwanese nursery rhyme curriculum. 4. Analyze the educators professional growth as a result of their participation in this project. The study enrolled 30 mixed aged children in a kindergarten in Taichung city, Taiwan, with class activities scheduled for once a week, for 40 minutes, over 16 consecutive weeks. The lesson plan contents included eight focal areas with a welcoming song, Taiwanese nursery rhymes, themed stories, traditional games, traditional culture, traditional handicrafts and arts, student evaluations, and a song of gratitude, all of which were deployed in direct contextual relation to Taiwanese nursery rhymes as the center point of the activities. The research study relied on the kid watching techniques of quantitative participation-based observation, with quantitative analysis to supplement, along with a variety of data collated from sources including a reflective teacher’s diary, educational games, multiple assessment, student evaluations, questionnaires, and interviews. The results of the study were the following: First, this study’s curriculum conforms to the principles of culturally appropriate construction and content for Taiwanese nursery rhyme themed lessons for learning. Second, this study found that it is important to consider four primary factors in successful implementation of multiple intelligences theory in the design of Taiwanese nursery rhyme themed educational units and curricula. Third, this study found that the difficulties and the resolutions during teaching . Fourth,this study found that the professional growth of the participatants in four aspects, which includes lession plan design, teaching methods, classroom management and teaching manners. Based on the above findings, the study provides few valuable suggestions for the future reference to the early childhood education personnel, government agencies and future researchers.




許炫美(2017)。兒歌融入幼兒園主題課程 之行動研究〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0016-0401201816002044
