  • 學位論文


Analysis of People Cognition about Environmental Conservation Policy and Assessment of Roles of Mass Media and Representatives of Public Opinion-An Example of Te-Chi Reservoir Watershed

指導教授 : 陳鶴文


隨著人口的壓力與土地需求,以經濟為導向的山坡地超限利用情形日趨嚴重,尤以位於水庫集水區範圍的土地,更因此衍生出土石流與水庫泥沙淤積等問題,嚴重影響集水區環境保育與民眾飲用水的安全。本研究以德基水庫為案例,設計問卷並進行問卷調查,運用單因子及雙因子變異數分析、典型相關分析為主要研究工具,以得知民眾因不同屬性因子對環境保育的認知與環境政策的瞭解程度與期望、同時評估媒體與民代的環境保育角色,藉由驗證分析變數之間的關連性,以供政府在推行環境教育與集水區環境政策上之參考。 結果顯示,在對德基水庫集水區環境保育、管理之看法上,受訪者屬性之職業、學歷與年收入皆呈現出顯著相關,尤以學歷碩士以上且年收入介於50萬到150萬的受訪者更能表達出對環境保育的高度關切;在推動環保教育方面,受訪者屬性之年收入愈高者,愈傾向利用媒體宣導或訂定法案等方法,學歷愈高者則較傾向以公權力推動環保教育;在超限地收回政策上,多數受訪者仍期望政府能以發放補償金方式處理。 年收入50萬元以內受訪者表示可透過媒體管道獲得必要的環境資訊,肯定媒體的傳播功能,而學歷高中職以上且年收入150萬元以上的受訪者更為認同媒體的環境教育功能。此外,年收入愈高的受訪者愈認為民意代表在解決環境利益糾紛時的立場不偏頗、角色中立。 在變數之間的關係上,研究結果顯示受訪者屬性會影響對媒體民代環境保育角色的評估,媒體與民代在環境保育上的貢獻對民眾在環境保育方面的認知亦有某種程度的影響,然而民眾的環境保育認知卻不影響在環境政策上的瞭解與期望。


With the pressure of population and the demand for land, the economic-oriented over use of slopeland is aggravating each day. On the lands particularly in the reservoir watershed area, problems like debris flow and reservoir silting further arise and seriously affect the environmental conservation in watershed and the safety of household water. Using Te-Chi Reservoir for an example, this study designs questionnaires and conducts questionnaire survey and applies one-way and two-way ANOVAs and canonical correlation analysis as major research tool to test people’s cognition of environmental conservation and understanding about environmental policies and to assess the role and contribution of mass media and representatives of public opinion. The study further verifies the interrelation between variables to provide references for the government in promoting environmental education and watershed environmental policies. Our results indicate that in regard to environmental conservation and management in Te-Chi Reservoir watershed, interviewee attributes of occupation, education and income all display significant relationship. Those with at least master degree and annual income from NT$0.5 to 1.5 million, in particularly, express high degree of concerns for environmental conservation. In the promotion of environmental education, the interviewees with higher income tend to resort to media propaganda or law enactment and the like, which is opposite to the view of those with higher education who favor the promotion of environmental education by public power. In regard to the policy of reclaiming over-used lands, most interviewees still expect the government to deal with it with grants. The interviews with annual income of NT$0.5 million express to be able to obtain the necessary environmental information through media, and recognize the media’s function. Whereas, those graduated from at least high school or vocational school and with annual income of NT$1.5 million further agree at the function of environmental education by media. Interviewees with high income think more of the representatives of public opinion as impartial and neutral when resolving disputes involving environmental interest. The role of mass media and representatives of public opinion in environmental conservation can serve as the media and help for the government in communicating with people when it promotes environmental education and policies. In the relation between key variables, the interviewee attributes has effect on the assessment of the role of mass media and representatives of public opinion in environmental conservation, so do the contribution by mass media and representatives of public opinion to environmental conservation to some extent on people’s cognition about environmental conservation. However, such cognition does not affect the understanding and expectation for the government in executing environmental policies.


陳育正, 「農村社區居民對於生態社區環境認知與態度之研究-以南投縣生態社區為例」,碩士論文,中興大學農村規劃研究所(2005)。


