  • 學位論文


A study on Visual Preference for buildings’ vertical greening by applying different plants and green cover ratio

指導教授 : 張莉欣 郭章淵


本研究主要目的是探討建築牆面採用不同植栽種類(形式)與綠覆率之視覺偏好研究,研究樣本以不同建築立面形式之不同植栽種類(形式)以及綠覆比率進行電腦視覺模擬綠化,研究問卷以Kaplan et al. (1982)所提出的環境屬性(一致性、複雜性、易讀性、神秘性) 以及視覺偏好等5個因子作為問項。受測者為空間環境設計背景之學生,暸解受測者對於不同建築立面形式之不同植栽種類與不同綠覆率之環境屬性與視覺偏好評值,藉以了解未來建築牆面綠化可能性與可能綠化的方法。資料分析方法採用單因子變異數檢定、二因子變異數檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、Pearson相關分析。 研究結果顯示建築牆面有植栽綠化時,使空間增加複雜性、神秘性,且偏好有植栽綠化牆面。從探討植栽綠化的手法顯示不同植栽種類與不同綠覆率交互作用情況下對於環境屬性、視覺偏好具有顯著影響,可知不同植栽種類會因綠覆率的不同而影響環境屬性、視覺偏好評值。受測者對於不同植栽形式之綠覆率25%顯示,建物立面形式之不同而產生不同環境屬性、視覺偏好評值;受測者對於綠覆率達75%牆面綠化時,反而建築物本身外形干擾因素降低,不同立面形式採用薜荔、爬牆虎皆會提升空間複雜性、神秘性,炮仗花、草花植栽皆會提升空間一致性、易讀性偏好。


The study would explore the relation between buildings’ wall which planting different kinds of plants and the rate of green cover, and the visual preference. The research samples would be made from different architectural facades with different kinds of plants and the rate of green cover by the computer visual simulation; as well as the questionnaire was output according to the environmental attributes. The study would explore the relation between buildings’ wall which planting different kinds of plants and the rate of green cover, and the visual preference. The research samples would be made from different architectural facades with different kinds of plants and the rate of green cover by the computer visual simulation; as well as the questionnaire were output according to the environmental attributes (coherence, complexity, legibility, mystery), and visual preference factors that Kaplan et al. (1982) bring up. The study would explore the relation between buildings’ wall which planting different kinds of plants and the rate of green cover, and the visual preference. The research samples would be made from different architectural facades with different kinds of plants and the rate of green cover by the computer visual simulation; as well as the questionnaire were output according to the environmental attributes (coherence, complexity, legibility, mystery), and visual preference factors that Kaplan et al. (1982) bring up. The object of study was the students who have space environment designing background. Further, the data analysis methods would execute one way ANOVA, two way ANOVA, t-test, Pearson correlation analysis. We would find out the future greening trend of buildings by the research result.


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