  • 學位論文

應用空間型構法則分析細部計畫街廓劃設之初探 -以彰化市擴大都市計畫地區為例

A Preliminary Study on Using Space Syntax to Aid Land Subdivision inUrban Planning: a case study in the Changhua City expanded planning area

指導教授 : 王文傑


空間型構法則(Space Syntax)是由Bill Hillier教授所發展的空間型態構成分析技術。分析方法乃基於建築空間型態本身特有之空間型態內在組構邏輯理論,配合應用相關之程式軟體做型構量化解析,得以呈現潛藏於建築表層之平面型態背後之深層組構特徵。該技術經二十多年來的應用證實,在都市空間規劃設計上,確為有效的分析輔助工具。 新都市主義是近期在都市計畫和設計上的一運動,它試圖復甦19世紀末與20世紀初傳統城鎮元素原則和應用在新郊區和舊市區的再開發,主張改變傳統住商分離所主導的都市型式,以避免大都會住宅區化所造成的單調與孤立的都市生活,因此新都市主義已逐漸成為當前美國較受認同的郊區開發方式。 本研究以行政院新近通過之「擴大彰化市東區都市計畫案」為研究範圍,針對該計畫案未規劃之細部街道,分別以舊形式街道規劃(彰化市街廓劃設方式)以及新都市計畫主義(新都市主義劃設方式)兩種不同規劃方式進行街廓劃設。實際操作步驟則分為兩階段,第一階段先在東區擴大計畫案範圍內,劃設上述兩種不同規劃方式之細部計畫街道,並進行空間型構法則全區及地方性便捷度值(Rn及R2)計算;第二階段再以兩方案所算出之Rn及R2值做交叉比對與分析,並依據歸納比較結果做出適切建議。


Space syntax is a morphology-based spatial analysis theory developed by Professor Bill Hillier. In its more than twenty-year’s development, space syntax combined with sociology has proved its effectiveness on describing general human spatial usage pattern and in particular explaining human movement pattern in urban form. New urbanism proposes to alter the common urban planning practice since modernism that divides cities into strict residential and commercial zones. New urbanism intends to recreate the diversified and vibrant atmosphere of the traditional urban street and block so that would avoid the monotonic urban landscape and isolated urban life of typical modern cities. Changhua City is one of the oldest major urban settlements in Taiwan. Through its nearly three-century-development, Changhua City now contains various types of urban block delineation and associated urban landscape. This paper reports an empirical study focusing on the Changhua City expanded planning area to explore the applicability of space syntax on analyzing urban block delineation. The study uses the axial analysis of space syntax to compare two types of urban block delineation in the expanded planning area, one type based on the city’s existing modernistic block pattern while the other type based on the new urbanism block delineation concept. Both global and local integration values of the two different proposed urban block delineations are calculated and inspected in detailed cross examinations. Such a comparison between modernistic and new urbanism block delineations uncovers their characteristics as well as relative pros and cons. The result not only gives urban researchers, planners, and policy-makers more insights into the nature and implication of urban block delineation, but also proves that space syntax is indeed an effective planning support tool in assisting informed decision making.


29.鄒克萬、黃書偉,2009, "路網結構對都市商業發展空間分佈關係之研究-空間型構法則之應用",《都市與計畫》,第三十六卷,第一期pp.81-99,台北。


