  • 學位論文


Analyzing Neighborhood Facilities Using Space Syntax:case studies on Taichung and Fengyuan

指導教授 : 王文傑


都市計畫所涉及的領域包括都市的分析、評估、配置、設計及選址,為了廣大的公眾利益。多年來,台灣的都市計劃在制定與現實都市規劃需要經歷相當複雜及嚴格的標準作業程序。雖然有不同的法律和法規,來引導都市規劃的過程,但幾乎每一個階段,對於都市規劃的影響的評估並非是強制性的,除非該計劃涉及到具爭議性的環境問題。然而,由於新的空間理論和技術的問世,顯然可以方便的給予建議或通過都市規劃的評估,可能是時間,包括都市規劃,作為整體規劃過程中的部分評估。 空間型構法則最初的構思是由英國的Bill Hillier和Julienne Hanson以及他們的分析團隊在上世紀柒零年代末期到捌零年代初期作為幫建築師模擬設計的一種工具。該理論是以社會學中人與環境間互動的觀點,基於型態學所發展衍生出的一門空間型態構成分析技術。近三十年來,它已發展成為無論是理論性的學術研究或是實用性的規劃設計專業服務,皆可實際應用在建築、都市設計、規劃、交通和室內設計等領域的有效工具。 在傳統的軸向分析的基礎上,空間型構理論的最新發展,被稱為路段分析提供個別路段的都市結構分析的決策,從而提供街廓的等級及深入的了解。因此,本研究認為使用空間型構來評估都市規劃某些方面可能是一種適合的工具。為此,本研究以豐原區與原台中市都會區作為研究地區,並使用路段的便捷值與路段的選擇值的路段分析模式,來分析的豐原區與原台中市都會區都市規劃。進一步使用統計分析,來評估都市規劃所分配的公共設施的位置是否合適以及與便利超商位置之相關性為何。這項研究的初步結果顯示,證實空間型構是一種有效的都市規劃評估工具。


Urban planning is a field involved with the analysis, assessment, allocation, designation, and siting of urban resources for the welfare of the general public. Over the years, Taiwan has developed a rather sophisticated and rigorous standard operation procedure in its formal urban planning practice. Although there are various laws and regulations to guide almost every stage of the urban planning process, the assessment of the impact of an urban plan is usually not mandatory unless the plan involves controversial environmental issues. However, given the advent of new spatial theories and technologies that could apparently facilitate the assessment of an either proposed or adopted urban plan, it might be time to include the assessment of an urban plan as an integral part of the overall planning process. Space syntax is a spatial configuration theory that was initially developed by Bill Hillier, Julienne Hanson and their colleagues in late 1970s to assist architects to explore and evaluate their design options. This theory and associated analytical techniques combine the concept of man-environment interaction in sociology with the concept of morphology. After nearly three decades of development, space syntax has become an effective tool in architecture, interior, and urban design as well as urban and transportation planning, which is applicable to both theoretical research projects and practical professional projects. Building upon the traditional axial analysis, the latest development of the space syntax theory called segment analysis offers an analytical resolution of the urban fabric up to individual road segments and thus provides insights into the street block level. Accordingly, this paper argues that the space syntax could be an appropriate tool for assessing some aspects of an urban plan. To this end, this study takes the original Taichung and Fengyuan cities as the study sites and uses the integration and choice measures of the segment analysis and their associated segment maps to analyze the fabric of both cities'' urban plans. The outcomes are then served as the basis of further statistical analyses to assess the suitability of locations of convenient stores and major public facilities assigned by urban plans of each city. The result of this study shows that the space syntax indeed proves to be a potentially effective urban planning assessment tool.


(27)黃慶輝,2010,"城鎮空間型態構成之歷史變遷與願景研究以北斗鎮為例",《明道學術論壇》,第6卷,第2期,p89-106 。


