  • 學位論文


The Study of Consumption Demand for Wedding Photos of Females – A Perspective from Different Levels of Consumer Socialization and Various Generations

指導教授 : 張永富 黃淑琴


婚紗攝影產業是台灣少數能引領國際的服務業,在華人社會也是結婚時必要的消費,即使所費不貲,在結婚消費的選擇中仍難以被屏除。消費本身是一種社會化的實踐過程,而本研究將從消費者的角度探討其對婚紗攝影消費需求之感受,第一部分以Kano模式將消費利益進行分類,主要目的在比較不同消費者社會化和世代之女性對婚紗攝影消費的需求有何差異,結果發現:(1)405位受訪女性將10項消費利益分為魅力、一維與當然要素三種需求類型,其中,「符合預算以兼顧其他開支」、「省時且便利」與「難得的消費經驗」為魅力要素;(2) 比較不同消費者社會化者發現,除「難得的消費經驗」外,「符合預算以兼顧其他開支」被低消費者社會化者視為魅力要素;而高消費者社會化者則將「省時且便利」視為魅力要素;(3)在世代比較可知,除「難得的消費經驗」外,「免花冤枉錢」可吸引Y世代;而「符合預算以兼顧其他開支」則可吸引X世代。 研究第二部分指出,只有滿足顧客的需要,對吸引並維持市場是不夠的,因此必須整合 Kano模式在資源有限的情形下,找出消除顧客不滿意與增進顧客滿意之消費利益。本研究有助於將顧客的需求反映到婚紗攝影服務上,以符合或超越動態需求,希望能藉此更有效率整合顧客需求與業者服務,以提供決策者作為提昇服務品質的參考,進而提昇競爭力。 關鍵字: Kano模式、消費者社會化、世代


The wedding photo industry is on of the few industries that can let Taiwan jump onto the international arena. In Chinese society, the wedding photo has been considered as a necessary expense in spite of a considerable amount of money being spent. People can’t get rid of photo taking during the wedding process. Consumption itself is a fulfillment of customer socialization. The purpose of this study was to explore the difference of consumption demand for wedding photos of females with different levels of customer socialization and various generations. A survey was conducted by questionnaires to inquire 405 females, and Kano Model was applied to compare the different demand for wedding photos based on respondents’ levels of socialization and generations. The findings of this study include: 1) 10 benefits derived from the consumption of wedding photos could be divided into three major categories, namely, Attractive Quality , One-dimensional Quality and Must-be Quality. The factors under Attractive Quality category include: fitness of the budget and other expenses, time-saving and convenience, and a rare consuming experience; 2) “fitness in the budget and other expenses” and “a rare consuming experience” was considered as a charming factor for consumers with lower level of customer socialization, while “time-saving and convenience” is regarded as the charming factor for those with higher socialization; 3) the young Y generation considered “saving unnecessary expense” and “a rare consuming experience” is a charming factor, while the X generation regarded “fitness of the budget and other expenses” and “a rare consuming experience” as a charming factor. The findings of this paper can be useful for management and future studies. Keywords: Kano Model, Consumer socialization, Generation


Generation Consumer socialization Kano Model


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