  • 學位論文


Using Heart Rate and Temperature at Nose Tip Detect Mental Workload of Assembling Scaffold

指導教授 : 蕭文達


人類社會不斷進步,科學技術的興盛,提升了人類生活品質,但工作壓力逐漸成為職場中普遍的問題,其中又包括了心理負荷與生理負荷。由於目前營建業在心理負荷方面之研究相當缺乏,但心理負荷對我國營建業從業人員帶來許多不良之影響卻不可忽視,例如心理負荷過大令人產生心理疲勞造成注意力不集中,對營建從業人員安全帶來隱憂。因此本研究利用心搏率與鼻頭溫度變化之量測以了解營建作業者之心理負荷情況。 本研究採實驗室實驗方式,徵集10位受測者參與實驗,利用組搭施工架作業,並同時量測受測者作業時之鼻頭溫度與心搏率,在作業結束時要求受測者填寫NASA-TLX自我心理負荷評量表進行比較,並藉由所得之平均鼻頭溫差與平均心搏率增量進行變異數分析。研究結果顯示,於不同的熟悉度下進行組搭施工架作業,會有不同之鼻頭溫度與心搏率。依平均鼻頭溫差進行分類,可將組搭施工架作業分類為高認知負荷皆段、低認知負荷皆段與作業負荷皆段,且利用平均鼻頭溫差與NASA-TLX心理負荷平均值比較結果可發現,平均鼻頭溫差下降量會與NASA-TLX心理負荷平均值呈現相反之趨勢。


Human society keeps progressing. Our quality of life is enhanced because of intensive development of science and technology. However, stress has gradually become a general concern at the workplace. To be more specific, this covers mental workload and physical workload. Currently, there is a lack of study on mental workload in the construction industry while negative effect of mental workload on the people engaged in this industry cannot be overlooked. For example, excessive mental workload may lead to mental fatigue and lack of concentration. This imposes threat on the safety of the operators in the construction industry. In this study, heart rate and nose tip temperature are adopted to measure mental workload of the operators in this industry. In this study, lab experiment is chosen as the approach to obtain the results. 10 subjects are invited to take part in the experiment. Nose tip temperature and heart rate of the subjects are measured when they are assembling the scaffold. At the end of the assembly, the subjects are required to fill in a NASA-TLX assessment form for comparisons of self mental workload. Then, ANOVA is carried out based on the mean nose tip temperature difference and mean heart rate increase. The results show that different nose tip temperatures and heart rates are measured when the subjects are constructing the scaffold at different levels of familiarity. Basically, scaffold assembly is classified into high cognitive load stage, low cognitive load stage and task load stage on a basis of the mean nose tip temperature difference. By comparing the mean nose tip temperature difference and the mean NASA-TLX mental workload, the decrease of mean nose tip temperature difference and the mean NASA-TLX mental workload are in inverse proportion.


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