  • 學位論文


A study of the Factors Influencing Senior Vocational School Students of Departmant of commercial management for Higher Education

指導教授 : 徐璧君


本研究旨在探討高職商業經營類科學生的就讀年級、扶養人的教育程度、扶養人的職業、個人因素、家庭因素、學校因素及社會等對升學意願的影響與差異情形。透過文獻探討瞭解升學意願的意涵及影響因素的相關理論。本研究編製「台中市高職商業經營科日間部學生升學意願研究之調查問卷」,以分層比例隨機抽樣方式,對488位學生實施調查。獲得以下主要結論: 一、高職商業經營科學生都有很高的升學意願。 二、個人因素、家庭因素、學校因素及社會因素等與「升學意願」呈高度 正相關。 三、就讀不同年級的學生與升學意願有顯著差異存在。以三年級學生最有 升學意願。


升學意願 商業經營科 高職


The purpose of this study is to explore these factors such as school grade, parents’ education background, parents’ occupation, personal factors, school factors and social factors how to affect the willingness of the students who major in commercial management for further study. The results of this research will serve as a reference for educational authority, school administrators, and teachers to design the teaching curriculum, guidance and assistance for entering a higher school. Through the study of relevant literatures, an understanding of the willingness for further study and influencing factors was ascertained. According to the research, the researcher made a questionnaire entitled. Through stratified random sampling, 488 students were investigated. The result was shown as follows: 1. Most of the students who major in commercial management have very high aspiration for entering a higher school. 2. All aspects of the factors such as personal, family, school, and social variables showed high positive relevance with the willingness for further study. 3. The factor of student’s school grade has a significant effect on the willingness for further study. Among these students, the senior have the most willingness for further study.


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