  • 學位論文


Is Examination-free Entrance Competition Method of 12-year Compulsory Education Program the Source of Pressures from Entrance Examinations? Taking Districts of Taichung City and Nantou as Example

指導教授 : 張阜民


本研究旨在探討中投區不同背景之國三學生,在十二年國民基本教育新政策下,對於超額比序辦法之壓力感受,並就政策認知、正常教學與主動學習程度三個部分來了解壓力感受之差異情形。本文利用『十二年國民教育政策之超額比序辦法是升學壓力的來源嗎?調查問卷』作為主要研究之工具,於台中市與南投縣共25所學校發放問卷,有效樣本710份,將所蒐集的資料利用描述統計、獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析後,研究結果整理如下: 一、 中投區國三學生對於超額比序辦法政策認知良好。 二、 國三學生在教育會考壓力感受部分,性別與學業成就方面會有所差異。 三、 國三學生在志願序選填壓力感受部分,學生政策認知、學校正常教學及學生主動學習程度方面會有所差異。 研究者將研究發現歸納成結論,並依據研究結果分別對教育主管機關、學校、家長及後續研究者提出具體建議。 關鍵詞:十二年國民教育、超額比序、升學壓力


The main purposes of this study are: (1) to explore how ninth graders deal with the pressure of Examinations-Free Entrance Competition under the 12-year Compulsory Education Program; (2) to explore the differences when one experiences stress in terms of the degree of Policy Recognition, Normal Teaching, and the degree of Active Learning. This study uses formal questionnaire survey “Is Examinations-Free Entrance Competition of the 12-year Compulsory Education Program the source of pressures from entrance examinations?” The sample is limited to 25 junior high schools in Taichung City and Nantou County. 710 questionnaires were valid. The collected data is analyzed by using descriptive statistics, One-Samples T-test, and One-way ANOVA . The study indicates that: 1. Ninth graders’ Examinations-Free Entrance Competition Recognition within Taichung-Nantou District is well-acquired. 2. There are differences between gender and schoolwork accomplishments while ninth graders experience the stress of Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Student. 3. There are differences between ninth graders’ policy recognition, their extent of active learning, and the extent of normal teaching in school when ninth graders are filling out the entrance exam of priorities. The result of this study will give educational administrative institutions, schools, parents, and the subsequent researchers some concrete suggestions individually. Key words: 12-year Compulsory Education Program, Examinations-Free Entrance Competition, pressures from entrance examinations


方曉青(2010) 。擴大高中職及五專免試入學實施方案評估之研究-以新竹
