  • 學位論文

新作用機制殺蟲劑對白線斑蚊(Aedes albopictus)幼蟲之藥效及其抗藥性之研究

The toxic effect of novel insecticides to mosquito (Aedes albopictus) and its resistance

指導教授 : 王順成


白線斑蚊(Aedes albopictus)為傳播登革熱重要病媒蚊之一。本研究針對八種不同作用機制之殺蟲劑,評估其對抗、感品系白線斑蚊幼蟲之藥效,以瞭解舊型藥劑之藥性及誘發抗藥性發生情形及新型藥劑未來使用之潛力,同時利用白線斑蚊藥效測試結果與國內外往昔研究比較,以瞭解白線斑蚊在國內、外對常用殺蟲劑抗藥性發展之特異性,文中另比較白線斑蚊與另一重要之登革熱病媒蚊-埃及斑蚊(Aedes aegypti)對相同測試藥劑之藥效及抗藥性,分析種間對藥劑之差異性。研究結果顯示2013年白線斑蚊對除蟲菊類之Deltamethrin產生高抗藥性,抗性比值RR1(以LC50為比較基準)及RR2(LC90為比較基準)分別為23.7及23.1,其次為Chlorpyrifos,抗性比值RR1及RR2分別為5.6及7.9,其它舊型藥劑如Abamectin及BTI,其RR1及RR2值均在1.2與3.1之間,而對新作用機制型藥劑如Emamectin benzoate、Indoxacarb、Fipronil、Spinosad,則其RR1及RR2均在0.2與2.0之間,顯示未來對白線斑蚊防治均有應用潛力。歷年對白線斑蚊及2013年白線斑蚊對常用微生物製劑之Abamectin及蘇力菌(BTI)藥劑敏感性並無降低現象,唯對有機磷劑Chlorpyrifos及除蟲菊類Deltamethrin有較高之抗藥性。對埃及斑蚊此趨勢大抵相同,兩者最大差異為埃及斑蚊對Indoxacarb具抗藥性,其RR1及RR2分別為3.3及3.0。


抗藥性 殺蟲劑 登革熱 白線斑蚊


Aedes albopictus is one of the major vectors that transmit dengue fever. This study tested the toxicity of eight insecticides against the larvae of susceptible and field strain of Aedes albopictus to monitor the occurrence of resistance to recommended insecticides in this mosquito species in Taiwan and to evaluate the potential use of novel insecticides to control it. The author also compared the results of this study with other past studies in Taiwan and around the world to find out the specific development of resistance of Aedes albopictus to commonly used insecticides around the world. In addition to this, we compared the control efficacy of and resistance to the same insecticides of Aedes albopictus and another key vector of dengue fever – Aedes aegypti, to find out the differences between these two mosquito species and among diffenent strains. The results showed Aedes albopictus is highly resistant to Deltamethrin in 2013, with the resistance ratios RR1 (based on LC50) and RR2 (based on LC90) as high as 23.7 and 23.1, respectively. And has a higher resistance to Chlorpyrifos, with RR1 and RR2 of 5.6 and 7.9, respectively. The RR1 and RR2 values of other recommended control agents such as Abamectin, and BTI ranged from 1.2 to 3.1. The RR1 and RR2 values of insecticides that with new action mechanisms, Emamectin benzoate, Indoxacarb, Fipronil, and Spinosad, ranged from 0.2 to 2.0. This indicates these insecticides have the potential to be applied to control Aedes albopictus. Over the years 2008-2013, Aedes albopictus has developed a high resistance level to Chlorpyrifos, an organophosphate, Deltamethrin, a pyrethrum, but remains susceptible to Abamectin, and Bacillus thuringiensis (BTI) with no resistnce induced. The efficacy of these insecticides is substantially the same for Aedes aegypt, only differs in Aedes aegypt has a higher resistance to Indoxacarb, with a RR1 and RR2 of 3.3 and 3.0, respectively.


Insecticide Dengue fever Aedes albopictus Resistance


李學進,「白線斑蚊卵、幼蟲及蛹之發育」,中華昆蟲,第十四卷,第13-32頁(1994 a)。
李學進,「白線斑蚊之吸血、產卵與壽命」,中華昆蟲,第十四卷,第217-231頁(1994 b)。
