  • 學位論文

教保員工作特性、組織氣氛與工作滿意度之相關研究 ─以新北市、臺中市、高雄市公立國小附設幼兒園為例

The Job Characteristics, Organizational Climate, and Job Satisfaction of Educare Givers: Take Public Elementary School Affiliated Preschools in New Taipei City, Taichung City, and Kaohsiung City as Examples

指導教授 : 魏宗明


本研究旨在探討新北市、臺中市及高雄市三個直轄市的公立國小附設幼兒園教保員之工作特性、組織氣氛與工作滿意度之差異情形與相關。以新北市、臺中市及高雄市國小附幼教保員為母群體,採用分層隨機抽樣方式進行問卷調查,有效樣本共398份。將所得量化資料以SPSS 12.0統計軟體進行統計分析,歸納研究結果如下: 一、國小附幼教保員在工作特性、組織氣氛及工作滿意度知覺達中上程度,並以「技能多樣性」、「教學氣氛」、「內在滿意」知覺最佳。 二、國小附幼教保員因不同年齡在工作特性、組織氣氛及工作滿意方面有差異。「20~30歲」在技能多樣性知覺最低。「41~50歲」在工作回饋性、人際氣氛、外在滿意及內在滿意的感受上都最低。 三、國小附幼教保員因不同教學年資在工作特性方面有差異,「年資6~9年」在自主完整性層面感受上最低。 四、國小附幼教保員因不同任教幼兒園規模在組織氣氛方面有差異。「規模3~5班」對於教學氣氛感受上最低;「規模2班」則是對於人際氣氛感受最不佳。 五、國小附幼教保員因不同任教地區在工作特性、組織氣氛及工作滿意度方面有差異。「高雄市」在自主完整性知覺最低,「新北市」在工作回饋性、組織氣氛與工作滿意度的知覺皆最低。 六、工作特性與工作滿意度多個層面達顯著正相關。 七、組織氣氛與工作滿意度多個層面達顯著正相關。 根據以上研究結果,本研究也針對教育行政單位、國小附幼主管、國小附幼教保員及後續研究者提出具體建議,供作參考。


This study aimed to investigate the difference and related situations of the job characteristics, organizational climate, and job satisfaction of educare givers of public elementary school affiliated preschools in New Taipei City, Taichung City and Kaohsiung City. Taking educare givers of public elementary school affiliated preschools in New Taipei City, Taichung City and Kaohsiung City as population, this study used stratified random sampling for questionnaire survey, obtained a total of 398 valid samples and conducted statistical analysis on these obtained quantitative data through SPSS 12.0 statistical software, with the results summarized as follows: 1. Educare givers of public elementary school affiliated preschools achieved middle-high degree in the perception of job characteristics, organizational climate and job satisfaction, with the best perception in “skill variety”, “teaching atmosphere” and “intrinsic satisfaction”. 2. Educare givers of public elementary school affiliated preschools differed in job characteristics, organizational climate and job satisfaction due to different ages. Those aged from “20 to 30” had the lowest perception in skill variety. Those aged from “41 to 50” had the lowest perception in feedback from the job itself, interpersonal atmosphere, extrinsic satisfaction and intrinsic satisfaction. 3. Educare givers of public elementary school affiliated preschools differed in job characteristics due to different seniority, and those with the seniority of 6 to 9 years had the lowest perception in task identity and autonomy. 4. Educare givers of public elementary school affiliated preschools differed in organizational climate due to different sizes of preschools. Those working in the preschools with “3-5 classes” had the lowest perception in teaching atmosphere; those working in the preschools with “2 classes” had the worst perception in interpersonal atmosphere. 5. Educare givers of public elementary school affiliated preschools differed in job characteristics, organizational climate and job satisfaction due to different teaching areas. Those working in “Kaohsiung City” had the lowest perception in task identity and autonomy, and those working in “New Taipei City” had the lowest perception in task feedback, organizational climate and job satisfaction. 6. Job characteristics and job satisfaction had significant positive correlation at multiple levels. 7. Organizational climate and job satisfaction had significant positive correlation at multiple levels. Based on the above findings, this study also proposed specific suggestions for education administrative units, executives and educare givers of public elementary school affiliated preschools as well as future researchers as reference.


李承傑、趙曼妏 (2010)。幼教老師教學制控信念與專業成長對工作滿意度影響之結構方程模式檢定:以臺東縣為例。慈濟大學教育研究學刊,6,31-50。


