  • 學位論文

以平衡計分卡的觀點 探討資訊服務業之競爭優勢關鍵內涵

Balanced Scorecard perspectives to explore the meaning of the key competitive advantage of the information services industry

指導教授 : 劉興郁


企業向來以財務數字做為績效衡量的標準,但是財務數字是反映過去營運行動的成果,而無法做為未來績效的指引。我們必要找出衡量績效的具體機制,以建立與維持競爭優勢,本研究試圖以平衡計分卡的關鍵成功因素做為資訊整合服務業的健康檢查表,找出與策略聯結之關建績效指標(KPI),和顧客滿意度、高效率的流程、員工能力、士氣等「績效驅動因素」,讓績效衡量制度與策略配合一致,凝聚成員的精力、能力和知識,達成企業策略目標。 評估資訊服務業的產業分析跟競爭力的提升有很多產官學的相關研究與探討,如波特的五力分析,產業的競爭價值鏈…等,但對於檢視資訊業界的策略及裁量指標研究卻是較少的研究,本研究以量化指標為基礎提供資訊業界提早發現問題,謀求解決方法參考。 關鍵字 :平衡計分卡、 資訊服務 、資訊整合服務業、關鍵成功因素


Abstract Enterprises usually use financial numbers to be the standard to measure the efficiency. However, financial numbers only reflect the effort of the business for the past. It is impossible for the numbers to become the guide for the future performances. We need to find out the concrete operating ways to measure the efficiency in order to build and maintain the competitive advantages. The purposes of this research are attempting to use the successful elements of the Balanced Score Card to be the healthy evaluation chart in order to integrate information for the service business. In addition, find out the performance factors, such as connection between the strategies and Key Performance Indicators (KPI), customer satisfaction, high efficient procedure, employee abilities and morale, in order to make the performance measurement evaluation to combine with the strategies perfectly. There are several researches about information services businesses analysis and promotion evaluation, such as Michael Porter's Five Forces Model, industry value chain. However, there are not so many researches to evaluate the strategies and indicators about the information industry. This research is to use the value indicators to help the information industry to find out the problems earlier, in order to find some ways to solve the problems. Key Words:Balanced Scorecard, Information services, System Integrators,Critical Success Factors


24.麥可.波特(Michael Porter)2010, 競爭優勢(上)(下)競爭優勢(Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance , 譯者:李明軒、邱如美,天下文化


