  • 學位論文


Research on the satisfaction of working experience and promotion opportunity in Taiwan Power Company- A case study on local business branches

指導教授 : 張鐵軍


中文摘要 1996年台電進行員工工作態度調查,顯示員工對人事升遷滿意度最低僅43.1%。近年台電因為電價調漲無法充分反應發電成本,因而產生嚴重營運虧損,加上台電弊端不斷、服務效能不彰,致使社會要求改革的聲浪排山倒海而來。簡言之,升遷對員工工作努力與工作表現具有較大的激勵作用,並影響員工工作態度,最終也影響組織人力效能之發揮。台電現今各區處升遷甄審作業要點受員工詬病,由來已久,因此本研究擬就台電升遷制度與升遷公平性對員工工作滿意度之關連性做探討。本研究於2014年5月針對中部區處基層員工發送250份問卷,回收74份,剔除無效問卷11份,有效問卷63份。 根據研究結果得知,員工對過於複雜的升遷制度不甚了解、對評選類別之分類要求重視專業、對主管推薦與考評不信任、期待升遷甄審作業過程能更簡化透明與具公平性。基此,本研究建議: 一、 台電升遷制度及甄審作業能修訂簡化,並確實進行宣導說明,使員工了解升遷的規定與標準,以期減少黑箱作業、以訛傳訛的不公平傳聞,破壞員工工作士氣。 二、 升遷公平性與員工工作滿意度間存在正向關係,因此組織領導階層應傾力減少任何會破壞升遷公平性的因素,以使組織人力效能有效發揮。 關鍵字:升遷甄審、升遷公平、工作滿意、工作投入、離職傾向


Abstract An employee attitude survey conducted by Taiwan Power Company in 1996 shows that the degree of job satisfaction of its employees on personnel promotion is only 43.1%. In recent years, due to the price rise of public electricity, the power generation cost cannot be fully covered, resulting in severe operating losses. Together with its malpractice and inefficient service, there are growing calls for reform in the country. In short, promotion motivates employees at work and affects their attitudes, and ultimately determines human resource management effectiveness. Taiwan Power Company has been criticized for a long time for its promotion & selection progress outlines in each district office. Therefore, the present study aims to explore the job satisfaction with respect to Taiwan Power Company’s promotion system as well as the promotion equality. In this study, 250 questionnaires were sent to junior staff in the Central District in May 2014. 74 were received, including 11 invalid questionnaires and 63 valid questionnaires. The results show that the staff barely understands the complicated promotion system, they demand the highlight on professions in the classification of selection, they mistrust supervisors’ recommendation and evaluation and they also demands a transparent, simplified and fair promotion & selection process. Based on this, the study recommends: 1. Simplified and revised promotion & selection progress, as well as reliably performed advocacy description which helps the employees understand the regulations and standards, in order to eliminate shady deals, false rumors about unfairness, and to recover the working morale. 2. Effort of the leadership to eliminate any factors that may undermine the fairness to enhance human resource management effectiveness, as promotion fairness is positively related to job satisfaction. Keywords: promotion & selection, promotion fairness, job satisfaction, job involvement, turnover intention


Adams, J.S.(1965), Inequity in social exchanges, N.Y: Academic Press.
