  • 學位論文


The Research of the Relationship Between Job Rotation and Job Satisfaction -A Case Study of Taiwan Power Company

指導教授 : 邱國欽 博士 楊智超 博士


中文摘要 近年來台電公司人力精簡政策,造成基層人力嚴重不足,加上社會大眾被媒體及名嘴誤導使得台電公司員工工作士氣受到嚴重影響。以南投區營業處為例,民國一百年至一百零五年為止退休人數達到員工核定員額50%,人力與技術的斷層問題將面臨最嚴苛的挑戰,而新進員工報到後的離職率則逐年升高,因此希望藉由探討工作輪調與滿意之關係研究,來提升員工對台電公司的認同感。 本研究透過問卷調查與分析,來瞭解員工對工作輪調的看法及接受度,同時也瞭解影響員工對工作滿意的相關因素,進而探討相互間的關係。 依據分析結果,本研究獲得三點結論,分別為: 1.台電營業處員工對工作滿意與工作輪調呈現正相關。 2.台電營業處員工對不同的性別、婚姻狀況、職務類別、職系類別以及工作滿意與否對工作輪調有顯著關聯性。 3.台電營業處員工對不同婚姻狀況、學歷、職務類別、職系類別及工作輪調提高工作效能與否對工作滿意有顯著關聯性。 關鍵字:工作輪調、 工作滿意、邏輯斯迴歸分析


Abstract Due to the policy of reducing manpower and the misleading of media reports, the morale of the Taiwan Power Company(Taipower)employees had been seriously affected. Nantou District Sales Department, for example, the amount of retired employees between the year of 2011-2016 have reached 50% of the staff approved post system, the gap issue between employees and technique will be challenged, while the turnover rate of new employees after registered had raised. Thus, investigating the relationship between job rotation and job satisfaction could enhance the recognition of employees towards their Company. This research investigated the opinion of employees towards job rotation through questionnaires and analysis. Meanwhile the factors that influenced the relationship between employees and job satisfaction had been explained. Three conclusions had been obtained based on the result of the analysis. 1.There are significant correlations between Taipoweremployees regarding job satisfaction and rotation. 2.There are significant correlations between job rotation and Taipoweremployees towards distinct sexuality, marital status, occupations, and job satisfaction. 3.There are significant correlations between Taipower employees toward different marital status, education, occupations, and job rotation to improve efficiencyand job satisfaction. Keywords: Job Rotation, Job Satisfaction, Logistic regression analysis


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