  • 學位論文


The Problems and Solutions of Fire Safety in Taiwan- The Case Studies of Serious Accidental Fires

指導教授 : 鄭純媛 孫德修


火警意外常造成民眾生命財產的重大損失,其中,以建築物火警比例最高,而建物本身的消防安全設備及場所的防火管理狀況與編制自衛消防編組,可以在火災剛發生的時候,將編組人員編制為通報班、滅火班、避難引導班,利用火警自動警報設備及緊急廣播設備,發揮初期預警的功能,並利用滅火設備,侷限火勢,撲滅火源,及利用避難逃生設備,來逃離火場,保障生命的安全。 消防法自民國84年公布實施,有多次變革,但每一次的變革,代表一場血淚的教訓,每次發生重大火警,消防單位首當其衝,所有問題都關乎消防單位,管理權人、防火管理人、以及社會大眾都應該有其應負之責。 消防安全檢查工作是消防機關的重要業務之一,可以至各類場所,進行稽查,依法告知管理權人裝設消防安全設備,這也是預防火災的主要方法之一。所以,落實消防安全檢查工作,可以減少火災意外發生的機率。完善的自衛消防編組訓練,並妥善的使用消防安全設備,則可以在火災的初期,及早發現,及早通報,即早滅火,侷限火勢,疏散人群,減少火災的擴大及傷害,再轉接消防單位接手後續的工作,保障人民生命財產的安全與減少損失。 本論文運用個案研究的方法,彙集國內重大火災案例,整理出5年來在消防安全方面所發生具代表性的四個案例,並應用所學的對相關事件予以分析,獲致以下點,分別為: 1.由專業危險物品技術人員操作運送,降低危險因子。 2.爆竹煙火運送或施放前,依照各式規定,於規定日程內備妥文件向主管機關報備。 3.強化爆竹煙火工廠管理,加強民的檢舉獎金。 4.以會審勘制度實施管制,避免不法業者投機營業。 5.督導管理權人維護自身消防安全設備,取消限改時間。 6.引進新式逃生設備,增加救援生存的機會。 7.加強防火管理制度,強化防災意識,增加消防設備使用時機與技能。 8.強化政府機關橫向聯繫,維護公共安全。 9.利用電視文宣與網路媒體,加強宣導。 關鍵詞:消防安全、重大火災意外


Fire accident usually result in significant loss of life and property of people. Building fire accounted for the highest proportion in all fire accident. When a fire accident just happened,there're three things can reduse the damage: using fire safety equipment,controlling the fire situation and the group of fire self-defense.The fire-defense group divided into briefing class,firefighting class and evacuation guiding class. At the begining of the fire,the automatic fire alarm equipment will notify all people that a fire just happen,then the briefing class should use the emergency radio equipment to tell everyone the site condition.The firefighting class should use firefighting equipments to limit the fire and extinguish the source. And the evacuation guiding class should lead people leaving by evacuation equipment and proper escape routes. Fire Services Act had amended several times since it's implementation in 1995. Each amendment came from enormous casualties. Once a severe fire occurs, firefighters always bear the brunt of it. But the happening of fire isn't the only duty to firefighters but also a responsibility to everyone. Fire safety inspection is one of the important business fire bereau.To prevent fire accident, firefighters inspect each place and ask the manager setting fire safety equipment. Thorough fire safety inspection could reduce the possibiity of fire accident. Complete training of classes of fire-defense and effective using fire safety equipment bring early detection and early notification. It also makes people limit or extinguish fire early and save time for evacuation. On the other hand,prevent the expansion of fire before firefighters come means save lives and properties. This paper uses the case study method analysing four major domestic cases about fire safety and final got nine point: 1.Dangerous goods should be transported by professional technician to reduce the risk. 2.Sent application to the competent authority in the prescribed date before using or transportion of fireworks. 3.Strengthen management of firework factory and raise the prosecution bonus. 4.Use survey system to control and avoid unscrupulous operator's speculation 5.Direct managers maintain their own fire safety equipment. 6.Introduce new escape equipment, increase the chances of survival and rescue. 7.Reinforcing fire management system, disaster prevention awareness and increase the using of fire-fighting equipment 8.Strengthen horizontal linkages between government agencies. 9.Strengthen propaganda by using television and Internet media


