  • 學位論文


he Impact of Safety Managing Mechanism on the Safety of Fire Rescue – A Case Study of the New Taipei City Fire Department

指導教授 : 詹益臨
共同指導教授 : 蕭良豪(Liang-Hao Hsiao)


火場情況瞬息萬變。消防人員在火場進行搶救過程中,常因火場高度危險性及不確定性,造成消防人員傷亡。近年來許多消防隊員為火災搶救而殉職,火災現場於30分鐘內若未能尋找並救出受困、失蹤、失聯之消防人員,該名消防人員之存活率將低於10%。故火場安全管理機制首要目標在於設計一套具有邏輯性之消防人員管理、追蹤、救援系統,於事故發生時能依據該系統循線立即找到該名失蹤消防人員給予救援。 本研究以新北市政府消防局推行之火場安全管理機制為主軸,並以新北市消防局消防同仁為研究對象,對於所制定之各項火場安全管理機制規定及方法,來預防火場中救災人員之傷亡,亦希望能加強火警初期指揮官對於所屬消防人員位置及動態掌控,強化火災搶救作戰編組,責成各任務編組之小組長擔負所屬救災成員安危,落實火災現場所有救災人員安全管控提升救災人員安全成效,來探討安全管理機制之成效。 定期辦理安全管理機制之演練,結合各類災害搶救裝備器材之操作,及熟悉救災人員受困時之搶救行動,方能使消防人員確實瞭解安全管理機制之流程,於各類災害搶救現場能臨危不亂的執行安全管理機制之行動,確保第一線救災人員生命之安全。


The fire situation is changing all the time. Firefighters are often injured by fire hazards and uncertainties during the rescue of fires. In recent years, many firefighters have been killed for fire rescue. If it is failure to find and rescue the missing or trapped firefighters in the scene of the fire within 30 minutes, the survival rate of the firefighters will be less than 10%. Therefore, the main goal of the fire safety management is to design a set of logical firefighter management, tracking, and rescue system in order to find the missing firefighters and to give the immediate rescue. In this study, the safety management mechanism of the New Taipei City Fire Department was taken as the guideline and the colleagues of the New Taipei City Fire Department were instructed accordingly to testify the fire safety management mechanism of the provisions and methods to prevent casualties in the fire. The mechanism is expected to strengthen the fire commanders’ capabilities of knowing firefighters’ location and track, managing the fire groups to fight fires and to rescue the casualties more effectively. We concluded that the safety management exercises should be held regularly in combination with the operation of various types of equipment to help the firefighters familiarize the rescue operations in the fire situation. These practices can enhance the firefighters’ understanding of the process of the safety management mechanism and strengthen the firefighters’ performance in the fire scene. The safety of the first line disaster relief personnel can then be ensured by this mechanism.


1.內政部104-02-2615:50 PM 發言人室(2013)。
4.林明德(2013),消防人員火場作業安全機制與提升之探討 -以高雄市消防單為例,國立高雄應用科技大學研究所碩士論文。
