  • 學位論文


The Study of Solution for Problems of Mainland China Students Recruitment for Higher Education in Taiwan in the Trend of Low Birthrate

指導教授 : 楊智超


邇來台灣面臨全球化自由經濟的時代,由於國內高等教育迅速擴張及少子化社會急遽來臨,導致高等教育學生來源不足、教學品質不符理想等問題層出不窮,在台海兩岸關係漸入佳境之際,為促進兩岸文化教育之交流,開放陸生來台就學政策乃因勢利導,期待藉由政策導向,引導激勵台灣大學生的學習風氣;輿情對開放階段之「三限六不」政策迭有檢討反映,要求正視並檢討維護來台陸生之醫療、工讀等基本權益,亦藉此得以招收優秀陸生來台就讀,俾化解兩岸學子交流之最後鴻溝,彰顯台灣傲視全球「人權立國」之國際形象。 本研究經彙整各界實務專精意見,發現台灣高等教育應該採取更加開放政策,藉由良好的學習環境,優厚的誘因,寬容的政策,具競爭力的條件,積極吸引包括大陸學生在內的國際性優秀人來台就學,激勵台灣學子,發揮見賢思齊之效果,進而自我向上提升。 建議政府適度修訂或放寬目前招收陸生之法令限制,俾使國內高等教育體系因應人口結構老化與少子化危機,台灣校方或台生可以採取舉辦聯誼、外籍生輔導、參訪與個案協助等活動或類似同學會性質的組織,俾協助陸生融入台灣特色之生活文化,其中推行認養陸生或寄宿家庭「home stay」等生活方式,都是可行建議。 本研究議題經時勢潮流匯集,深度研判探討後,若獲得共識酌予調整修正,將有利於兩岸未來文教之融合發展,並增進台灣之國際競爭力。


In the age of globalization and free trade, Taiwan is confronting blooming of domestic higher education and rapid approach of low birthrate. These conditions cause numerous educational problems, including shortage of higher educational students and doubtful teaching quality. Combining the growing communication between cross-strait governments and people, it is an inevitable trend to execute the policy opening higher education in Taiwan to mainland China students and accelerate exchanges in culture and education. It is expected that the policy will also stimulate learning atmosphere of domestic college students. This “Three Limitations and Six No’s” policy has been reviewed by public opinions. To show the image of outstanding human right foundation in our nation and to provide the resolutions for the gap between cross-strait students’ communication, government should confront and review for reserving the foundation right of medical treatment and part-time job for recruitment of excellent mainland China students. This study combines practical opinions from various professional domains, and there are suggestions for recruitment of mainland China students. With more friendly policies, there would be more competitiveness to attract mainland China students to take higher education in Taiwan and at the same time it would be able to stimulate domestic students developing peer pressure to upgrade personal learning capacity. We suggest that government should amend or open the restriction of law for mainland China students to study in Taiwan. These solutions can couple with the crisis of age population and low birthrate in domestic higher education. To help mainland China students mingle with culture and life styles in Taiwan, colleges and Taiwanese students can help them with many solutions. First, colleges can hold union party or organization for students. Second, colleges provide foreign students consulting services. Third, home stay or adoption for mainland China student would also be helpful. This study forms the common opinions aged in time and thoughtful discussion, and the issues can eventually be amended by government. Through such process, it will be better developing cross-strait culture and education in the near future and can improve worldwide competitiveness for Taiwan students.


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