  • 學位論文


Effects of Peer Tutoring on Academic Performance, Learning Motivation and Learning Attitude of EFL Fifth Graders in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳姿青


學生程度落差一直是台灣公立學校英語課程中常見的問題。由於學生程度差異過大,老師為了滿足每一個程度較好或較差學生的需求,往往在選擇教科書以及適當的教學方法上面臨挑戰。如果教科書或是課程活動無法滿足學生對於學習英語的期待,學生極可能失去學習英語的動機,或是對英語學習持負面的態度。由於相關研究指出,利用同儕教學可以將原本被視為缺點的學生程度差異轉換成優點(Sinclair Goodlad & Hirst, 1989; King, Staffier, & Adelgais, 1998; Maddalena, 2002)。因此,本研究的目的為運用同儕教學成為教室主要的教學活動,是否能有效提升學生的英語成績,學習動機以及學習態度。參與研究的35位學生先依照前測的結果,分為「小老師」及「學員」兩大類,然後分組進行12個星期的同儕教學。量化統計資料來自於MALESC(Motivation and Attitudes toward Learning English Scale)問卷,在進行同儕教學的前後各施測一次,藉此得知學生的學習動機及態度在接受同儕教學前後是否有所差異。另外,質性資料來自教師紀錄上課的情形,以及學生最後根據提問的問題所寫下的心得。心得是在完成同儕教學後對學生進行之紙筆問卷調查。研究結果顯示同儕教學對於學生月考的成績有正面的影響,因為不及格的人數有減少的趨向。雖然從量化的資料上看來並沒有非常顯著的影響,但是質性的資料(學生的回應)顯示同儕教學對於學生學習動機及學習態度亦有正面的影響作用。


Mixed-ability in English as a foreign language (EFL) classes are commonly seen in public schools in Taiwan. It becomes a challenge for teachers to select course materials, as well as to find out a proper way of teaching which can address and fulfill the needs for both the more advanced and the less able ones. If the materials or activities in class do not compensate for any expectation students have about learning English, students become less motivated with negative attitudes towards learning English. Previous research suggested that peer tutoring can help reversing this disadvantage of a mixed-ability class (Sinclair Goodlad & Hirst, 1989; King, et al., 1998; Maddalena, 2002). Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of adapting peer tutoring as the major classroom activitieson students’ EFL academic performance, learning motivation and learning attitudes. Participants of 35 students were tested and then categorized as “tutors” or “tutees” according to their pre-test results, and were put into groups over a 10-week period of time A schedule indicating the tasks to be completed in each class was given to both the tutors and tutees. In addition, participants were tested on their language learning motivation and attitudes with Motivation and Attitudes toward Learning English Scale for Children (MALESC) at the beginning and the end of the tutoring session. Classroom observation by the teacher, as well as exit survey and comments after each class form the students, were administrated as the qualitative source of data. The changes in students’ grades indicated that peer tutoring has a positive effect on tutors’ and tutees’ academic performances in school. More students passed their school exams. Although not significantly differences were found from the analyzed quantitative data, students’ learning motivation and attitudes toward EFL learning had increased with respect to the positive feedback collected from the exit survey.


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