  • 學位論文


The influence of peer feedback and peer review on the achievements and motivation of English learning of elementary school sixth graders

指導教授 : 吳昱鋒


本研究探討施行同儕回饋與同儕互評後,台灣國小六年級學生的英語學習成就與學習動機是否改變的研究。研究對象桃園市某公立國小全六年級五個班共114位學生,於每周兩次,每次40分鐘的正規英語課堂中進行教學實驗,為期12周。研究結果以英語成就測驗成績與英語學習動機問卷、同儕回饋活動調查表、同儕互評活動調查表、同儕互評表的分數進行統計分析,探討同儕教學與同儕回饋對英語學習成就和學習動機之影響。 依據資料分析之結果,本研究結論如下: 一、同儕互評、同儕回饋,與控制組在英語學習成就上無顯著差異的結果,三組間無顯著差異。 二、接受同儕互評教學與同儕回饋與未接受同儕互評教學小學六年級學生的英語學習動機的結果,三組間有顯著差異。多數學生對於實施同儕回饋和同儕互評課程活動持正面看法,表示學生樂意在課堂上實施同儕互評,結果顯示同儕互評能提升六年級學生的英語學習動機。 三、小學六年級學生使用的回饋類型以確認與翻譯最多 根據同儕互評表的學生使用七種回饋類型的狀況結果顯示,互評組確認跟翻譯使用得較多,解釋和重鑄用得較少,學生傾向用協助性的回饋多於糾正型的回饋。 本研究透過同儕回饋及同儕互評教學了解到學生對於這兩種教學方式的看法和回饋,雖然對於英語成就沒有造成顯著差異,但是能夠促成英語學習動機的進步,期望未來能持續在英語課堂中推動此種教學方式和能讓學生見賢思齊的教學活動。


This study explores the change of peer feedback and peer review on Taiwanese elementary school students’ English learning achievement and learning motivation. Research subjects were 114 sixth grade students of five classes in a public school in Taoyuan City. The students were taught twice a week in formal English classes for 40 minutes each, the study was conducted for 12 weeks. The results of the study were based on the English achievement test scores and the English learning motivation questionnaire, the peer feedback activity questionnaire, the peer review activity questionnaire, and the peer review scores. The researcher analyzed the influence of peer feedback and peer review on English learning achievement and learning motivation. Based on the results of the data analysis, the conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. Peer review group, peer feedback group, and the control group are not differ significantly in English learning achievement; there is no significant difference between the three groups. 2. It is significantly different among the three groups of peer review group, peer feedback group and the control group on English learning motivation. Most students are positive to peer feedback and peer review activities, indicating that students are willing to implement peer reviews in the class. It shows that peer review can improve the motivation of sixth-year students' English learning. 3. The mostly used feedbacks by elementary school sixth graders are confirmation and translation. According to the results, peer review group prefers to use confirmation and translation; explanation and recasts are less used. Students tend to use more assistive feedback than corrective feedback. This study provides the students' views to peer feedback and peer review. Although there is no significant difference in English achievement, it differs significantly in English learning motivation. Keywords: peer feedback, peer review, learning motivation, learning achievement


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