  • 學位論文


Application of STS Teaching Model by Solar Power Hydroponics

指導教授 : 王文裕


本研究旨在探討實施STS教學運用於太陽能水耕栽培之研究教學活動,對於國小二年級學童能源認知與態度的影響。研究工具為研究者以自編的「國小低年級學生能源認知、態度問卷」為工具,研究對象為台中市大里區某國小二年級學童,以研究者任教的班級為實驗組學生,男生14人、女生15人,共 29位學童;並以二年級另一個班級為對照組,男生13人、女生16人,共 29位學童。其中實驗組學生實施八週之STS教學運用於太陽能水耕栽培之研究課程教學,對照組實施一般教學同時補充能源認知相關概念,並在教學前後以「國小低年級學生能源認知、態度問卷」進行施測,以獲知學童的學習成效。研究結果資料以描述性統計及使用成對樣本t檢定了解教學前後學生在能源認知、態度表現是否有顯著差異。 研究結果歸納如下: 一、實驗組與對照組學童實施教學活動前後,在能源認知表現上,皆有顯 著差異,STS教學法與傳統教法教學對於學生認知學習皆有成效。 二、實驗組與對照組學童實施教學活動後,實驗組學童在能源態度上表現 優於對照組,且達到顯著差異,證明STS教學法的確能引導學生對 於自身環境的關懷,養成學生負責任的公民行為之教育。 依據研究結果提出建議,以提供學校行政單位、教師未來實施STS教學及後續研究之參考。


STS 能源教育 太陽能 水耕栽培


The present study sought to explore the effects of implementing research teaching activities that apply the STS teaching of solar power hydroponics on the cognitions and attitudes of elementary school second graders towards energy. The research tool used in this study was the self-produced “questionnaire on lower graders’ cognitions and attitudes towards energy in elementary school,” which was applied with second-grade students at an elementary school in Dali District, Taichung City. The experimental group consisted of 14 males and 15 females (a total of 29 students) from the class the researcher is currently teaching, while the control group consisted of 13 males and 16 females (a total of 29 students). The experimental group took eight weeks of classes applying application of STS teaching Model by solar power hydroponics, while the control group took general classes. The students were also instructed on energy-related knowledge and tested using the “questionnaire on lower graders’ cognitions and attitudes towards energy in elementary school” before and after the classes to obtain their learning outcomes. Descriptive statistics and a paired-sample t-test were used to determine whether there was a significant difference in the students’ cognitions and attitudes towards energy before and after education. The research results are summarized as shown below: 1. A significant improvement was shown in the energy-related knowledge of students from both the experimental group and control group after the instruction, but the overall grades of the experimental group and control group were not much different. 2. After implementation of the teaching activity, students from the experimental group showed better performance in terms of their attitudes towards energy than the control group, with the difference reaching significance. This indicates that STS teaching does indeed inspire students to be concerned about their own environment and cultivates students to develop the responsibility for citizenship behavior. Suggestions are proposed based on these research results to serve as a reference for administrative units and teachers when implementing STS teaching Model and for follow-up research in the future.


hydroponics solar power STS energy education


黃俊儒、楊文金、 靳知勤、 陳恒安,「誰的STS?-科學教育與科學研究的同與不同」,科學教育學刊,第十六卷第六期,第585-603頁(2008)。
林金盾,「九年一貫自然科課程的理念與實務之我見」,科學教育月刊,第231期,第17-19頁 (2000)。
