  • 學位論文


Studies on the Antioxidative Activities of Dark-Colored Vegetables and Fruits

指導教授 : 劉炳嵐


現代醫學發達,人類壽命延長,但是仍然要面對許多疾病的威脅。而人體代謝過程所產生的自由基與活性氧,是導致疾病與老化的元兇,如何清除對身體有害的自由基、對抗氧化逆境而維持健康,是現今相當受到重視的保健議題。蔬菜和水果含有多種的植物化合物(phytochemical),具有抗氧化力,可以消除體內的自由基與活性氧,是最佳且天然的抗氧化來源,尤其顏色深的蔬果,抗氧化力更強。本研究以市售的深色蔬菜、水果為對象,進行總酚含量、還原力、DPPH自由基清除力三個抗氧化力實驗,並加以比較。結果顯示:深色蔬菜的總酚含量平均在12 mg GAE/g以上,深色水果都在10 mg GAE/g以下;還原力測定深色水果都在25 mg Vit. C/g以下,深色蔬菜平均在34 mg Vit. C/g以上,兩個實驗的結果有相關性,總酚含量越高,還原力也越強,且深色蔬菜的數值都高於深色水果;DPPH自由基清除力,蔬菜、水果都很強,深色蔬菜平均清除率為80.47±0.54%,深色水果為91.44±0.55%,深色水果的清除率較高。綜觀三個實驗,抗氧化力最好的蔬菜和水果是紫黑色系的紫高麗和紅黑色系的櫻桃。其次是深綠色系的綠花椰和綠蘆筍,以及黃色、綠色兩種奇異果,接下來是鮮黃和鮮紅色的黃、紅椒。而橘紅色系的南瓜、胡蘿蔔以及橘黃色系的木瓜、芒果,還有紫紅色的紅火龍,雖然排序較後面,但還是有很高的DPPH自由基清除力(除了南瓜,都有90%以上的清除率)。可見深色蔬果真的有很好的抗氧化力,尤其像紫黑色、紅黑色、濃綠色等顏色越深的蔬果,抗氧化力越好。國際研究協會(NRC)建議每天至少食用五種以上的蔬果,台灣癌症基金會及美國癌症協會(ACS)則提倡每日均勻攝取各種顏色蔬果的「彩虹原則」。深色蔬果是色、香、味、養的完美結合,營養豐富,又有很強的抗氧化力,建議大家多攝取。


Although life expectancy is increasing due to the development of modern medication, humankind is still threatened with various illnesses. The key elements of illness and aging of human were accumulating free radical and reaction oxygen species (ROS) produced during the metabolism. Therefore, how to protect against oxidation, or cellular damage caused by free radicals and oxidative damage has become a crucial issue for maintaining a good quality of health nowadays. Vegetables and fruits are rich in phytochemicals, giving them an antioxidant capacity, making them effective in removing the free radicals and ROS. Especially, the deeper in the color of vegetables are the more antioxidant capacity they have. The purpose of this research was to compared the antioxidiative properties of dark-colored vegetables and fruits in terms of the total phenolic content (TPC), reducing power, and DPPH scavenging capacity. In this study, seven vegetables and six fruits were measured for TPC, reducing power and DPPH scavenging activity. Preliminarily results suggested that the vegetables bearing more TPC and exhibited more reducing power than fruits. The average TPC were 12 mg and 10 mg GAE/g for dark-colored vegetables and fruits, respectively. Parallelly, the reducing power for dark-colored vegetables was over 34 mg Vit. C/g. The higher in TPC, is the more reducing power was seem. Both dark-colored vegetables and fruit shown a remarkable high DDPH scavenging activities. The average DDPH scavenging capacity for dark-colored fruits and vegetables were found to be 91.44±0.55% and 80.47±0.54%, respectively. In summary, the dark-colored fruits and vegetables, such as purple cabbages and deep red cherries, had the highest antioxidant capacity, followed by deep-green broccoli, asparagus, and kiwi and finally orange or yellow colored pumpkins, carrots, papaya, mango and dragon fruit. The antioxidant capacity is higher when the color of fruits and vegetables are deeper. The results on antioxidant activity of dark-colored vegetables and fruits revealed that they could be used in promoting a healthy diet based on consumption of 5 vegetables and fruits a day follow the so-called “the principle of rainbow” as recommended by NRC and ACS.


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