  • 學位論文


A Study of Principals’Curriculum leadership and Teachers’ Teaching Effectiveness in Preschool –Taking Taichung City, Changhua County and Nantou County as Example

指導教授 : 曹俊德


本研究旨在探討幼兒園園長課程領導與教師教學效能之關係。首先了解幼兒園園長課程領導與教學效能之現況;其次分析不同背景變項在幼兒園園長課程領導與教師教學效能之差異情形;再者分析幼兒園園長課程領導與教師教學效能之相關。 本研究除了以文獻探討幼兒園園長課程領導與教師教學效能之理論與相關研究外,並採問卷調查法及訪談調查法,收集台中市、彰化縣、南投縣已立案之公、私立幼兒園園長課程領導及教師教學效能之問卷資料及訪談資料。以叢集抽樣方式進行抽樣,每一所幼兒園園長版一份,園長版調查問卷共寄出500份;教師版每約所二份,調查問卷共寄出1,000份。園長版共回收252份,回收率50.4%;教師版共回收622份,回收率62.2%。使用之研究工具為自編之「幼兒園園長課程領導及教師教學效能問卷」,問卷回收後,以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及scheff’e多重比較等統計方法進行資料分析。在訪談調查部分,乃針對二位幼兒園園長及四位幼兒園教師進行電話訪談。 本研究結果共獲致下列七點結論: 一、幼兒園園長課程領導現況良好且普遍受到教師的肯定與認同,其中又以「促進教師專業成長」層面最為受到重視。 二、幼兒園園長課程領導行為對「各項層面」以「我覺得園長能具備課程與教學的專業知能」及「我覺得園長能與師生、家長保持良好的互動 Ⅰ 關係」以及「我覺得園長能提供教師進修研習的相關訊息及專業成長的機會」等層面最被為一致肯定。 三、幼兒園教師教學效能之「整體」現況良好且普遍受到園長教師的肯定與認同,其中又以「教學互動與評量及班級經營層面」層面最受到重視。 四、幼兒園教師教學效能對「各項層面」,以「我能在教學計畫實施中保有適度的彈性」及「我能有系統的統整及呈現教材,以提高幼兒的學習成效」以及「我會和幼兒建立融洽的師生關係」均持有積極正向的看法。 五、背景變項在幼兒園園長課程領導受到幼兒園「所處地區」、幼兒園「性質」、幼兒園「規模」、幼兒園「最高學歷」、幼兒園「年資」、教師「是否兼任行政」等背景因素則無顯著差異。 六、背景變項在幼兒園教師教學效能受到幼兒園「所處地區」、園所「性質」、幼兒園「規模」、教師「任教年資」、教師「年齡」、教師「最高學歷」、「兼任行政職務」均並未有顯著性差異。 七、幼兒園園長課程領導與教師教學效能各層面都是正相關。


This study explored the relationship between principals’ curriculum leadership and teachers’ teaching effectiveness. First of all, comprehend the current status of principals’ leadership and teaching effectiveness. Next, an analysis the different background variables of principals’ curriculum leadership and teachers’ teaching effectiveness for the differences among preschools. Last, explore the relationship between principals’ curriculum leadership and teachers’ teaching effectiveness in preschool. The purpose of study not only focuses on the findings from bibliographies and related researches but also used the questionnaires and interview; therefore, in order to discuss and prove the correlation of principals’ curriculum leadership and teachers’ teaching effectiveness. The questionnaires and interview are only focus on the samples in public preschool and private preschool in Taichung City, Changhua County and Nantou County. By taking random sampling, there are 1000 questionnaires and 874 valued questionnaires. (The effective response rate 87.4%) This research used own made questionnaire of “Survey of a study of principals’ curriculum leadership and teachers’ teaching effectiveness in preschool”. After retrieve the questionnaires, using the descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and scheffē method to analyze the data. For the interview, there are 2 principals and 4 teachers of preschool got phone interviews. In conclusion, 1. In general, the teachers are affirmatively and positively approve the principals’ curriculum leadership, especially the significance of “development of teachers’ professions”. 2. The conduct of principals’ curriculum leadership got affirmative from “all aspects in every level”, “I think the principal is able to be provided with the professional classes and teaching skills”, “I think the principal is able to enhance the interactive between teachers, students, and parents positively” and “I think the principal is able to offer the chances of research and study on professions”. 3. The effectiveness of teachers’ teaching skills perform well overall and survey showed it got positive feedbacks from the principals and teachers, particularly the importance of “the interactive of teaching and evaluation with students and classroom management”. 4. The effectiveness of teachers’ teaching demonstrate that “all aspects in every level”, “I think I can maintain the resilience of teaching plan in actual classroom”, “I think I can arrange and organize the teaching materials in order to improve the outcomes of learning abilities from children” and “I will be able to enhance the interactive well with children” positively. 5. The variables of different background of principals’ curriculum leadership showed no differences in “ the location of preschool”, “the nature of preschool”, “the size of preschool”, “the latest academic background of preschool”, “the years of experience of preschool” and “whether the teacher is doing teaching and management at the same time”. 6. The variables of different background of effectiveness of teachers’ teaching is no different between “the location of preschool”, “the nature of preschool”, “the size of preschool”, “the years of experience in preschool teaching”, “the latest academic background of teacher” and “if the teacher is simultaneously teaching and managing”. 7. From all aspects, there is an absolute relationship between the principal’s curriculum leadership and teachers’ teaching effectiveness.


