  • 學位論文


Consumer Behavior and Satisfaction of the Special Coffee Lovers- Taking Taichung City Metropolitan Area as Example

指導教授 : 張阜民


台灣的咖啡市場成長速度驚人,整體咖啡進口量已衝破2萬噸關卡,十年間大增1.6倍。進入九十年代以來,各種咖啡店如雨後春筍出現于大街小巷,咖啡店的佈局為都市結構增添了新的特徵,也使得台灣成為世界上消費咖啡成長較多的國家之一。根據台灣咖啡協會資料統計,國內咖啡其中有一半屬於現煮咖啡市場,且精品咖啡的消費市場正逐年增加,其消費市場逐漸侵蝕連鎖咖啡店中平價咖啡的獲利。到底為何精品咖啡市場有多大?如何精品咖啡能獲得交費者的青睞?這是一個欲從事精品咖啡的業者,需研究及瞭解的課題。 本研究對象以台中市都會區民眾為主要調查對象。探討不同背景之使用者在性別、年齡、婚姻、教育程度、職業、消費頻率、消費時間、咖啡口味等之滿意度方面,是否有差異。研究結果顯示,消費者注重咖啡店的裝潢氣氛,喜歡享受悠閒放鬆的情境,另對於咖啡專業程度的要求頗高,從烘焙到沖煮的過程,都可以是一種藝術表演,簡單來說就是視覺及味覺的雙重品味。


Taiwan''s coffee market is growing dramatically these years, the overall amount of imported coffee is achieving 20,000 tons that have been breaking record and greatly increased 1.6 times in a decade. Into the nineties, cafés shops spread numerously in the streets, the structure of coffee shops for the city is added into a new feature and making large growth of coffee consumption in Taiwan to the world comparing to other countries. According to the Taiwan Coffee Association statistics, half percentage of the market belongs to fresh brewed coffee, and specialty coffee consumer market is increasing year by year, it is encroaching the profitability of cheap coffee from chain stores. What and how big to make such market in specialty coffee How to attract the interest from the consumers This will be a topic to research and study for a person who intends to process specialty coffee business. The objective for this research is mainly to Taichung metropolitan area population. Investigating the consumption frequency、consumption time、coffee taste satisfaction, etc., integrating the difference in the backgrouds of different users in gender, age, marital status, education, and occupation. The results show that consumers pay attention to the coffee shop decorated atmosphere, like to enjoy the relaxed situation. And the other requirment is for the high professional level of coffee from the bakery to the brewing process, can be acting like an art show. In simple terms, it is the dual feast for both visual and the taste.


16. 吳武忠、鄭秀香(2002)。台北市咖啡連鎖店顧客滿意度之研究。觀光研究學報,8(2),71-86。
