  • 學位論文


A Study of Internet Community Management,Customer Relationship Management And Brand Loyalty in Chinese Cuisine Restaurant-A case study in Taichung City

指導教授 : 張阜民 陳建宏


顧客經由網路取得資訊與產品的趨勢越來越成熟,也吸引越來越多企業投入資源,提升網路社群經營的市場。Hanson(2001)認為網路行銷是利用資訊科技與資訊系統,配合經濟模式、商業活動及企業管理,來達成行銷的活動。而網路行銷則是一種雙向的溝通模式,企業可將其產品、服務及廣告等訊息,存放在企業建置的網站,透過網際網路傳遞給網路使用者;網路使用者也可以直接在企業的網站上訂購商品或留置訊息,而企業則蒐集網路使用者的資訊,以提供個人化服務,創造出良好的行銷效益。 本研究以臺中市民眾為研究對象,透過文獻探討與問卷施測,探討中式料理餐廳網路社群經營、顧客關係管理及品牌忠誠度的影響,歸納結論如下:(一)臺中市民眾在網路使用率分佈顯示,民眾網路使用率及普及率漸漸提升。(二)臺中市民眾認為透過網路社群經營,可增進社群組織間的交流,建立良好的顧客關係管理。整體而言,民眾對中式料理餐廳顧客關係管理看法都很正向。(三)品牌忠誠度與網路社群中的顧客關係管理存在相關性。當銷售人員與消費者互動愈頻繁,顧客與公司關係品質愈佳,可提升顧客對產品的了解。(四)顧客與公司關係品質及產品知識對於品牌忠誠度有正面影響,且進一步正面影響品牌推薦。


Customer obtaintrends of information and product via the network are becoming more mature, it is also attracting more and more businesses to invest resources. To enhance the market of online community management. Hanson (2001) viewed the internet marketing is the use of information technology and information system swith the economic model, commercial activities and business management, to achieve marketing activities. The internet marketing is a two-way communication model, businesses can have their products, services and advertising messages stored in the enterprise to build web sites, and pass through the internet to the network users. Network users can also order goods directly on a corporate web site or retaining messages. Companies collect information for network users to provide personalized service, to create positive marketing benefits. In this study, Taichung city people for the study, Through literature research and question naire survey to explore the Chinese cuisine restaurant the impact of online community management, customer relationship management and brand loyalty. Conclusions are summarized as follows: 1.In the network utilization distribution shows Taichung public network utilization and penetration gradually improved. 2.Taichung people believe that operating through the internet community, can improve communication between community organizations, to establish a good customer relationship management. Overall, People on the Chinese cuisine restaurant is very positive view of customer relationship management. 3.Brand loyalty and the internet community in the customer relationship management there is a correlation. When the sales staff have more frequent interaction with consumers, customers have better quality relationship with the company, to increase customer understanding of the product. 4.Customer relationship with company and product knowledge quality has a positive impact for brand loyalty, and further positive impact on the brand recommended.


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