  • 學位論文


An Analysis of the Business Model of the Original Township Workshop-A Case Study on the Workshop of the Yabung Arts and Crafts Workshop

指導教授 : 黃文星


根據觀光局105年統計資料顯示,前來南投縣觀光人次為全台第三名,其中仁愛鄉、埔里鎮及魚池鄉三鄉鎮由於擁有諸多自然美景及豐富的原住民文化,使得每年造訪清境農場及日月潭之遊客人數皆達數百萬人次。本研究選擇此三鄉鎮的中心城鎮—埔里鎮的原住民芽檬文物工作坊作為研究對象,針對該工作坊進行自我分析,以得出該工作坊的優劣勢;之後,針對該工作坊進行PEST 環境分析、SWOT 分析以及商業模式。 分析結果顯示,該工作坊擁有五項優勢、六項弱勢、五項機會與兩項威脅,本研究根據SWOT矩陣內容,為該工作坊規劃出三項策略。之後,再針對該工作坊現有之商業模式內容,增列一群目標客戶、六群關鍵伙伴以及兩項關鍵活動,透過商業模式之調整與創新,期能提升該工作坊之競爭力。此外,研究結果還可提供給予其他從事原住民編織或手工藝品的工作坊,試圖找出適合自己工作坊的創新營運模式,為原住民文化產業注入新的元素,此舉除可提升競爭力外,還能讓原住民編織文化得以永續傳承。


According to the 105-year statistical data of the Tourism Bureau, the number of people visiting Nantou County is the third in Taiwan. The townships of Renai Township, Puli Township and Yuchi Township are rich in natural beauty and aboriginal culture. The Qing-jing farm and the Sun Moon Lake have millions of visitors. In this study, we selected the Aboriginal Yabung Arts and crafts Workshop in Puli Town, the center town of the three townships,to conduct a self-analysis on the workshop to get the advantages and disadvantages of the workshop. After that, Environmental analysis, SWOT analysis and business models. Based on the SWOT matrix, the workshop mapped out three strategies for the workshop, with five strengths, six weaknesses, five opportunities and two threats. After this, a new group of target customers, six key partners and two key activities will be added to enhance the competitiveness of the workshop through the adjustment and innovation of the business model. In addition, the results of the study can also be provided to other workshops in aboriginal knitting or handicrafts, trying to identify innovative practices suited to their own workshops and injecting new elements into Aboriginal cultural industries, not only to enhancing competitiveness , but also to allow aboriginal weaving culture to sustainable heritage.


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