  • 學位論文


An Impact Study of Interior Designer’s Service Quality and Service Attitude on Perceived Value and Purchase Intention

指導教授 : 林孟璋


室內裝修設計為專業的服務領域,是廣泛的服務整合工作者,要有一定的歷練,方能稱做室內設計師。然而現今只要會畫圖的都稱設計師,甚至在路上的沙發、家具公司等,都能看到「室內設計」的招牌,同一條街上即可看到數間設計公司,市場之競爭甚是激烈。在如此嚴峻的環境下,設計師面臨的挑戰只有越來越高,除了增進知識,提供專業服務,多做行銷、廣告外,如何實質提升客戶的消費意願及客戶的消費感受?才能有效讓客戶買單,勢必須從服務的本身再進化,方能在這競爭市場中,脫穎而出且穩定的成長。本研究旨在探討室內設計師服務品質、服務態度對消費者知覺價值與購買意願之影響,樣本採取便利抽樣,共計發放400份問卷,回收有效問卷384份,有效問卷回收率96%。並採用SPSS統計軟體進行分析,分析結果如下: 1. 室內設計師的服務品質對消費者知覺價值具有部分顯著正向影響。 2. 室內設計師的服務態度對消費者知覺價值具有顯著正向影響。 3. 消費者的知覺價值對其購買意願具有部分顯著正向影響。 4. 室內設計師的服務品質對消費者購買意願具有顯著正向影響。 5. 室內設計師的服務態度對消費者購買意願具有顯著正向影響。


Interior decoration design is a professional service field, is a wide range of service integration workers, to have some experience, can be called interior designers. But now people who paint the design are called designers. Many furniture companies can see the "interior design" signs, and even the same street can see a number of design companies. This is without a doubt a competitive market. In such a competitive environment, the designer is facing more and more challenges, in addition to promoting knowledge, providing professional services, doing more marketing and advertising, how to enhance the customer’s purchase intention and the consumer experience can be effective for customer satisfaction and pay? In competitive market, the evolution of service can stand out and grow steadily. The purpose of this research is to explore the impact of interior designer’s service quality, service attitude on perceived value and purchase intention. A total of 400 copies of questionnaires were distributed randomly, 384 respondents were counted as valid and resulting in a valid response rate of 96%. The SPSS statistical analysis software has been utilized to conduct this research. After the analysis of the poll, five conclusions of this research are as the following: 1. Interior designer’s service quality has partial significant influences with the consumer’s perceived value. 2. Interior designer’s service attitude has significant influences with the consumer’s perceived value. 3. The consumer’s perceived value has partial significant influences with the purchase intention. 4. Interior designer’s service quality has significant influences with the consumer’s purchase intention. 5. Interior designer’s service attitude has significant influences with the consumer’s perceived intention.


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