  • 學位論文


The Research of Knowledge Inheritance Model Construction by Analytic Hierarchy Process--Blasting Processing Company as an Example

指導教授 : 王淑卿


面對日益嚴峻的經營變數,傳統產業均面臨到較過去更難以預測與複雜的環境。另外現今的年輕世代,也較偏好於科技業與服務業,因而吸引了大量的人才。因此傳統產業在人力資本嚴重老化與斷層的情況下,許多企業都面臨到老員工或師父退休的窘境,以及這些資深員工們的龐大經驗與知識資產將面臨是否能順利延續下去的問題。目前因資訊科技的進步,以及知識經濟的時代下,預期傳統產業界也將會慢慢的改變。企業透過知識的管理、截取和累積,與知識的應用和創新,在實施產品的製造與加工過程中也將會更容易的達到所要的標準與目標。 在本研究中,將針對一個創業已十多年的傳統產業個案公司,因其公司面臨四大問題,包括:老師傅的凋零、舊有工具無法傳承、年輕人不願投入及知識管理等。而隨著資訊科技的發展,以客戶為導向以及邁入國際化的思想已經迅速的影響著各個行業。 在本研究中,將提出一個結合CBR以AHP法來建構產品規則選擇模式,並透過層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process;AHP)協助個案公司之經營,以企業智慧的傳承,來提高個案公司的競爭力。


Due to the operating variables severe increasingly, the complex environment is difficult to predict by traditional industries. In addition, young generations prefer the technology industry and service industry, which attracted a lot of talent. Many compaines are faced old employee or master retired situation, as well as the experience of these senior employees and knowledge assets can be successfully passed down. The problems of experienced staff of traditional industries have emerged by employees aging and a shortage of talent. Because of advances in information technology, the traditional industries will be changed. Through knowledge management, interception and accumulation, and the application of knowledge and innovation by enterprise, the standard and goal of the enterprise in the manufacturing and processing of products will be more easily achieved. In this study, the case of traditional industry sector, a venture company has more than a decade, has four major problems: the old master dying, the old tool cannot pass on, youth are unwilling to invest and do not have good knowledge management. With the development of science and technology, the concept of customer oriented service and the thinking of globalize economy had affected different industries rapidly. In this study, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to help the case traditional industry to inherit the business intelligent of the enterprises, in order to enhance the competitiveness of company.


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