  • 學位論文


The Effects of Cooperative Learning and Leadership on Students’ Performances

指導教授 : 洪伯毅


中文摘要 學習是一種社會化的過程,在情境學習理論中也提到互動是基本的要素,而當領導者的其中一項任務就是和其他組員的互動。因此,領導和學習是種社會概念而且會發生在學生和他人互動之中或任何與他們周遭環境裡。許多研究發現領導和合作學習會增進學生的學習表現,然而卻鮮少有研究將領導和合作學習同時運用在課程當中。此研究目的是透過觀察學生們的課室問題報告及表現,探索以學習英文為外語(EFL)的師資訓練課程中領導力和合作學習的關係。以60位在台灣中部一所科技大學修習教學實務課的學生為樣本,利用課堂中9次課室問題報告來探究學生領導力和小組合作學習對他們學習表現的影響。此研究用2種研究方法,包含來自課後問卷的量化數據和面談的質性內容。量化研究結果顯示領導力、合作學習和學生學習表現有正面顯著的關係,至於質性結果,從面談者中對於將合作學習與領導力當作教學方法的訪談問題皆給予正面的回應。總結來說,結合領導力和合作學習為教學方法是適合老師們用來訓練師資課程的教學生涯。


學習表現 EFL 領導力 合作學習


ABSTRACT Learning is a process of socialization (Lave & Wenger, 1990) and interaction is a key factor in Situated Learning Theory. Moreover, one of the tasks of being a leader is to interact with the members of the group (Conant & Norgaard, 2011). Consequently, leading and learning are social concepts that occur in conjunction with interaction in any learning condition or environment. Several research papers have observed that leadership and Cooperative Learning could enhance students’ learning performances; however, there is little research that integrates leadership with Cooperative Learning into the course. This study aimed to explore the relationship between Cooperative Learning and leadership in EFL teachers’ training course through observing students’ presentations and performances. Sixty students enrolled in the teaching practical course in a university in central Taiwan were chosen as participants. The nine presentations were observed to investigate students’ learning performances during leadership and Cooperative Learning training. Both qualitative and quantitative study methods were utilized. The quantitative data was derived from the end-of-the-course survey, while the qualitative data was derived from the interview at end of every competition. The results of the quantitative data showed that leadership, Cooperative Learning and students’ performances have a positive and significant correlation. The qualitative data from the interview yielded positive responses with the integration of Cooperative Learning and leadership and their use as a teaching approach. In conclusion, integrating leadership with Cooperative Learning and using them as a teaching method might be suitable for teachers to utilize in the pre-service teacher training course.


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