  • 學位論文


The Study of Traffic Flow of Forest Trail in Dasyueshan Forest Recreation Area

指導教授 : 黃有傑


近年來觀光旅遊人數日益增加,而越來越多人喜歡以自然生態的旅遊型態,而當遊客湧入自然景區時,隨之而來的車潮及交通亂象,是本研究主要探討的問題。因此本研究主要目的,在於調查大雪山森林遊樂區主要聯外道路沿途車流量淡旺季之差異,及遊客主要交通工具,並在15公里(近大雪山社區)及27公里處(近大雪山森林遊樂區),兩處以人工統計每半個小時之車流量及車種。 研究結果發現大多數遊客皆於暑假旺季之六日上山遊玩,並集中於上午,而旺季平日及淡季假日,車流量明顯減少,且大多遊客是利用小客車上山,並進一步換算小客車當量值及道路服務水準發現,車流狀況皆處於穩定車流A~C級之間,但大雪山林道卻產生車流壅塞狀況,進步一探討,可能因遊客沿途路邊停車賞景、登山或野餐,導致原本狹窄的山路變成單行道,導致交通雍塞。 建議相關單位可以於旺季假日,或特定節日增加公車班次,或是接駁車方式,減少遊客自行開車上山,並於假日加強車輛管制及取締,及停車格計時收費方式,來增加停車格流動率,也可於林道起點增加大型訊息告示看板,使民眾對林道狀況及天氣狀況有更即時的訊息。


In recent years, the number of tourists has been increasing, fol those who like the natural ecology of tourism. when the thousands of tourists vist natural scenic spots, traffic may occur and this causes chaos. Heuce, the purpose of this study is to investigate the difference of traffic flow on Dasyueshan forest trail between at 15 km (near the snowy mountain community) and 27 km (near the Dasyueshan Forest Recreation Area), every half hour of traffic flow and vehicles. The result of my study shows (1) the most tourists have their visits on weekend, mostly in the morning. (2) the tracffic flow significantly decreased on working days in high season. (3) passenger car is the transport for tourist visit. (4) road service standards found that traffic conditions are in a stable traffic between A~C level,howerer the traffic of Dasyueshan forest trail is severe.The reasons for the situation may be tourists park their cars spontaneously, for sightseeing, have their terkking, and picnics. Along the roadside,and this narrow the road. In conclusion, we suggested that the number of buses or free suttle buses can be provided on holidays. Moreover, vehicle control and fine should be set up, for noticing visitors, can be besed on time period (how long the visitor parks), for decreasing the traffic and increasing flow rate. Furtnermore, anews balletin board can be added. This board is for weather forcast, and current tempture and traffic flow in Dasyueshan mountain area.


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