  • 學位論文


The Moderating Effect of TV Shopping/Online Shopping on the Consumer’s Purchasing Intention of Different Promotion Types and Promotion Situations

指導教授 : 潘明全


台灣在近2、3年來,掀起了一股電視購物熱潮,2004年台灣電視商務(T-Commerce)購物頻道的營業額高達三百億元,平均每日營業額約7.7億元,高營收的誘惑下,許多業者紛紛加入搶奪電視購物市場,預計今年台灣電視購物至少可創500億元商機,在2008年可望突破2000億元。據資策會2004年公佈網路使用者行為數據顯示,超過四成網友經常瀏覽購物網站,網友年平均網路購物支出近10,000元,購物網站由2001年排名第六升到2004年的第二,顯示網路購物近年來維持蓬勃發展的趨勢。 本研究使用2*2*2實驗設計的方式,探討促銷方式及促銷情境是否會影響消費者的購買意願。另外,針對電視購物及網路購物的干擾效果進行探討。 本研究發現:促銷方式與促銷情境對消費者購買意願的交互作用並未達到顯著的不同,在促銷情境與電視購物及網路購物對購買意願的交互作用達到顯著的差異,在電視購物方面,採用限時促銷較限量促銷有效。意謂著,電視購物及網路購物的干擾效果是存在的。


In the recent years, many people have good look at fashion sunrise industry of TV Shopping Channel in Taiwan. In 2004, it created NT$30,000,000,000 dollars for Taiwan T-Commerce Shopping Channel. It can be predicted that it will reach NT$50,000,000,000 dollars in 2005 and NT$200,000,000,000 dollars in 2008. Besides, a study about consumers’ behaviors in Internet from III indicated that more than 40% people always browse Online Shopping websites in Taiwan and spend NT$10,000 dollars average per year. For 2001 to 2004, Online Shopping website will promote the position from 6 to 2. It shows that online shopping still popular for people in Taiwan. In this study, we used a 2*2*2 experiment design to examine the effect of promotion types and promotion situations on consumer’s purchasing intention. In addition, we also examine the moderating effect of TV Shopping and Online Shopping. The results indicate that the promotion types (monetary/nonmonetary) and promotion situations (Time Limited/Amount Limited) are not significantly affect consumer’s purchasing intention. The interaction effects of promotion situation and TV Shopping/Online Shopping have significant difference on purchasing intention. Contrast to Online Shopping, TV Shopping has higher purchasing intention in promotions of Time Limited. It means that TV Shopping/Online Shopping have a moderating effect.


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