  • 學位論文


A Study on Computer Assisted Instruction for Recording Car

指導教授 : 王明庸


本研究主要係針對軌道檢查車之職場訓練,進行電腦輔助教學之研究設計。其電腦輔助教學程式主要內容可分成電子書部份、電腦輔助教學部分(包含試題測試)及網路部分等。 一、電子書部份: (1)輔教教材選項:以VB6.0撰寫程式選單方式,展現教材內容。 (2)備忘紀錄:以開啟記事本方式,展現備忘紀錄。 二、電腦輔助教學部分: 依編序教學理論編寫教材內容,並設計簡明扼要的操作步驟,教導使用者循序漸近解決問題,達成垂直思考的效果;建構主義學習理論安排教學過程,依使用者需求或意願,學習所需的課程內容與題型變化,達成水平思考的效果;精熟學理論,讓使用者經由不斷地反覆練習,加深解題的精準熟練,達成時間效應的效果。而本研究於課程規劃上,主要可分成學理篇、教學篇及測驗篇等三篇。 三、網路部分: (1)電子信箱及我的留言板選項:方便與使用者溝通與討論。 (2)網站及我的討論區選項:提供使用者線上交流管道。 本研究利用專家評估及使用者評估方式進行系統分析比較,藉以得知本系統之操作介面及輔教內容,是否設計適當,以期提供使用者另一種有效的自我學習環境,並了解系統優缺點後,設計製作成一易懂易學之電腦輔助教學軟體,對職場訓練教學及工作執行上有所助益。


檢查車 軌道 電腦輔助教學


The purpose of this study is to improve the efficiency of professional training in the application of track inspection cars through research and design on computer assisted instruction. The main content of a computer assisted instruction program includes electronic book section, computer assisted instruction section (containing test question exam) and network section etc. 1.Electronic book section: (1)Assistant material option: The content of the teaching material is displayed through the program menu written with VB6.0 (2)Memo record: Memo record is displayed by opening the WORD PAD. 2.Computer assisted instruction section: The content of the teaching material is compiled according to the teaching theories, simple operation procedures are designed, students are guided to solve problems in proper step by step sequences, and obtain vertical thinking ability. The teaching process is arranged according to the structural learning theory, the content of the course and the types of questions are designed according to the users’ requirement or intention, and help users to obtain lateral thinking ability. Adept learning theory lets students continually repeat the exercise of what they learnt so as to deepen their understanding and familiarize themselves with the content of the teaching material, thus time efficiency is realized. In line with the course design, this research is mainly divided into three parts: principle section, teaching section and exam section. 3.Network section: (1)Email box and my message board option: Facilitate intercommunications and discussions between users. (2)Website and my discussion zone option: Provide online communication tunnels to the users. In this research, the system’s operation interfaces and contents of teaching materials have verified as whether they are proper in design through analysis and comparison which had been carried out by considering the evaluations from the experts and user, in the hope of providing users with an effective self-learning environment, and at he same time know the merits and demerits of this system, and at last design it into a easy understandable and learnable computer assisted instruction software, in order to provide help for improving professional training and work efficiency.


CAI computer assisted instruction rail recording car


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