  • 學位論文


A Study and Development on the Performance of Air Pump of Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor

指導教授 : 葉隆吉


摘要 高血壓一直是國人十大死因之一,而要預防高血壓除了控制飲食外,使用操作簡單且不須專門技術的電子血壓計來量測血壓,已成為預防高血壓的居家必備保健產品。 本研究針對腕式血壓計內充氣幫浦的性能做研究,利用田口方法使用L9(34)直交表,設定直流馬達轉速、凸輪行程、橡膠活塞硬度、幫浦本體出氣腔表面粗糙度等四個因子,分別設定三個水準進行實驗。 實驗結果由反應圖得知幫浦本體出氣腔表面粗糙度對充氣幫浦的出氣量影響最大,而凸輪行程與直流馬達轉速則次之,橡膠活塞硬度則最小,而充氣幫浦各控制因子的最佳水準組合為12500 rpm的直流馬達、凸輪行程1.8mm、橡膠活塞硬度50°、幫浦本體出氣腔表面粗糙度Ra 0.2。




Abstract High blood pressure has taken one of the top ten causes of death within the overall population locally. To prevent from high blood pressure, aside from the diet control, the adoption of handy and comprehensive electronic of no professional technique has become the must-have health care item of every household already. This research is aimed to the investigation about the function of air pump within the wrist blood pressure monitor。By using the L9(34) orthogonal arrays adopted by Taguchi, we make the settings for DC motor rotation, cam stroke, hardness of rubber piston, and superficial roughness of Pump Body, totally 4 factors, with 3 levels for experimenting separately. In reference with the experiment results, we found from the reaction charts that the main body of pump will come with the most evident influence for the superficial roughness of pump body; the cam-stroke and DC motor rotation come with the relatively low influence and the hardness of rubber piston actually exerts the least influence among all factors. Furthermore, the optimally conditioned combination for all factors are separately 12500rpm for DC motor rotation, 1.8mm for cam stroke, 50°for hardness of rubber piston and Ra 0.2 for the superficial roughness of pump body.


Air Pump


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[6]CNS 13075 Indirect Measurement Electrical Blood Pressure Monitor
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