  • 學位論文


The Study of Image Recognition for the Compartment Advertisement on Taipei City Buses

指導教授 : 曹永慶


中 文 摘 要 本研究之目的在探討台北市公車車廂外廣告予台北居民之廣告意象。具體的研究內容包含(1)現有台北市公車車廂外廣告予人之整體觀感與期望。(2)台北居民對現行台北市公車車廂外廣告之意象(3)台北市公車車廂外廣告與公車本身及都市之配合性。經由問卷調查與分析得主要結果如下: 第一部份:台北市公車車廂外廣告與人之整體觀感與期望 (一)台北市公車車廂外廣告予人之整體觀感: 台北居民認為車廂外廣告在內容能讓人迅速看懂、令人賞心悅目及更有創意等這些方面仍有待改善。圖像和色彩是最能吸引注目的兩個廣告構成要素。 (二)對台北市公車車廂外廣告之期望: 台北居民希望車廂外廣告能多些藝術美感,畫面要簡潔、和諧,而廣告的訴求需活潑幽默。不希望看到恐怖、腥羶色情以及老舊、過期的廣告。 第二部份:台北居民對現行台北市公車車廂外廣告之意象 (一)平面廣告畫面構成要素(內文、標題文字、圖像、色彩)引起注目程度: 1. 現行公車車廂外廣告在內文、標題文字、圖像、文字四個要素上吸引注目的程度,依序為色彩>圖像>標題文字>內文。 2. 吸引台北居民注目的圖像為面積大以及在廣告畫面中鮮明易見。產品圖像是最能吸注目的圖像。標題文除了字的大小之外,顏色也是影響注目的因素。內文字數少、字體又不會太小,較容易引起注意。 (二)台北居民對於公車車廂外廣告與形容詞意象之對應關係: 台北居民對於現行的公車車廂外廣告之意象主要由「普通的-獨特的」、「唐突的-親近的」、「難懂的-易懂的」之因子所構成。對於廣告的喜好態度主要是受到「老舊的-新穎的」與「恐怖的-親切的」二意象所影響,意即台北居民較喜歡具有「新穎」與「親切」意象之公車車廂外廣告。 整體而言,圖像為產品或產品加代言人,所佔版面面積越大的廣告樣本較傾向於獨特之意象,反之,則較傾向於普通之意象。標題文字小與非煽情圖像的廣告樣本則較傾向於親近之意象,反之,大字體標題以及煽情圖像的廣告樣本則較傾向於唐突之意象。 第三部份:台北市公車車廂外廣告與公車本身及都市之配合性 1. 台北居民認為車廂外廣告畫面的主要色調與車身相同或成對比,這兩種類型的廣告最能突顯公車本身特色的。台北居民較在意廣告主畫面的圖像被切割,而文字被切割則較不在意。普遍認為廣告不會對於路線和後車門位置的辨認造成干擾。 2. 車廂外廣告的圖像、色彩與廣告與車身的形式、顏色搭配得宜的話,會對都市景觀有正面的影響。廣告的圖像及色彩的靈活運用,具有帶動都市活力、傳遞都市流行訊息、也有反映出都市文化水準的作用。而不具備這些作用的廣告為背景太繁複、文字太多以及大字報式的廣告。


車廂外廣告 意象 公車 廣告


Abstract The purpose of this research is to study the image of the advertisements outside the bus compartments in Taipei given to Taipei’s citizens. The substantial research contents include: (1) the overall impression and expectation of the current bus advertisements on Taipei bus compartments given to Taipei’s citizens; (2) Taipei citizen’s impressions on the Taipei bus advertisements on compartments; and (3) the correspondence between the advertisements outside the bus compartments, the bus, and the city. Investigated with questionnaires and analysis, the major findings are as follows: Part 1: Overall impression and expectation given to the people by the advertisements outside the bus compartments (1) Overall impression of the Taipei bus advertisements on the compartments given to the people: The people in Taipei think that the Taipei bus advertisements on the compartment need improvements in the following aspects: easy understanding, pleasing, and creative. They suggest images and color are the two major elements for creating good advertisements. (2) Expectations to the advertisements outside the bus compartments The people in Taipei expect to see more artistic and aesthetic ads. Regarding the picture, it should be simple and harmonious. Furthermore, it should be vivid and humorous in its appeal. They don’t want to see horror, sex, violence, clichés, and outdated ads. Two: Taipei citizen’s impressions on the advertisements outside the bus compartments in Taipei (1) The degree of attention attracting concerning the constituting elements (texts, captions, images, and colors) of the 2D advertisements: 3. The degree of attracting people’s attentions regarding the advertisements outside the bus compartments in Taipei are color>image>caption>text (in order). 4. The images that attract Taipei people’s attention are the huge size of the ads, and the vivid and eye-catching images on it. The brand logo is the image that attracts the most attention. In addition of the size of the captions’ fonts, color is an essential factor for attracting people’s attraction. The fewer the text, the bigger the fonts can attract more attention easily. (2) Relationship between the bus advertisements on the compartments and the adjective’s image: The impression of the Taipei citizens on the currents Taipei bus ads on the compartments is mainly constituted by the follow elements: “common-unique”, “offensive-affinitive”, and “difficult-comprehensive”. Regarding their preference to the ads is influenced by these two elements: “cliche - innovative” and “terrible - hospitable”. It means that Taipei people prefer advertisements on the compartments on the buses in Taipei to be “innovative” and “hospitable”. On the whole, the image is the product and its spokesperson. The bigger the size of the ad, whose image is more inclined to be unique. On the contrary, it tends to be common image. Ads with mall captions and non-sex appealing images are inclined to be friendlier. On the contrary, the ads with huge caption and sex appealing images tend to be more offensive. Three: the correspondence between Taipei bus advertisements on the compartments, the bus, and the city 1. Taipei citizens think that if the color of the ads on the compartment matches or contrasts with the bus, it can highlight the features of the bus itself. Taipei people are more concern with whether the images are divided up into fragments or not. They tend not to pay any attention to the text. General speaking, they don’t think the ads intervene them in recognizing the position of the route sign or the back door. 2. If the ad’s image, color, or the compartment matches well together, it will have positive effect on the cityscape. If the ad’s image and color are used flexibly, it will activate the city, transmit message of fashions in the city, and reflect the cultural standard of the city. For those ads with complicated background, too many words, and too many slogans do not posses such functions.


Advertisement Bus Compartment Advertisement Image


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