  • 學位論文


A Study on the Factors Affecting the Implementation of Internet Banking

指導教授 : 楊浩二


因應網際網路興起及資訊技術的發展,人類的經濟活動也隨之產生明顯的不同,促使銀行業運作模式及服務的型態必須隨之應變。網路銀行已經是全球的趨勢,為因應此發展趨勢,國內金融主管機關財政部在安全無虞及保護存款人權益兩大前題下,陸續開放銀行辦理網際網路金融服務。 本研究首先收集探討國內外相關文獻,並以Rogers所提之創新擴散理論為基礎,以組織的觀點出發,建構影響銀行業採用網路銀行時的考量模型架構及建置網路銀行過程中之障礙模型架構,並探討建置完成後對銀行本身所形成的影響層面與程度為何,期望能從銀行業者的角度去探討建置網路銀行的種種問題,以作為未來銀行繼續改善網路銀行的經營發展方向之參考,甚至提供銀行業未來採用其他創新科技時之參考。研究對象的選擇是針對已於線上架設網站,並已經財政部金融局核准開辦網路銀行業務之銀行業者,透過問卷調查蒐集金融業現職人員之意見與看法,針對研究架構及回收之有效問卷,進行信度效度分析、敘述性統計分析、探索性因素分析、驗證性因素分析及獨立樣本t檢定等統計方法。


In response to Internet and information technology developments, the economic activities of mankind produced also varied significantly causing the Banking industry operation and service modes to react readily. Use of Internet Banking has become a global trend. In view of such developmental trend, Ministry of Finance gradually setup Internet financial services under two main prerequisites namely security and protection of deposit rights. This study has discussed the influential factors in organization’s adopting innovation on the basis of the research model of Rogers’ diffusion of innovations theory. Also, according to the summary of related innovation technology literature, we develop the research framework of this study. From organization view point, this study setup consideration factors model framework of Internet Banking, the Inhibitive factors model framework during the Internet Banking implementation process and the influential factors after implementation complete. Expect by discussions the many problems of Internet Banking from banking point of view can continual improvements on operation and development directions of Internet Banking may be done in the future. Study subject selection refers to bank operators that are already in official on-line operation and have been duly approved by the Bureau of Monetary Affairs, Ministry of Finance for Internet Banking. The methodologies used in this research induce validity analysis, reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Independent sample t-Test.


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