  • 學位論文


The Design of Interactive RFID Guide System and Personalized Service Model

指導教授 : 黃有評


在現今物質豐富的年代裡,人們越來越重視休閒活動,期待能從中瞭解歷史、文化及藝術以充實精神生活,使得多數的展覽館到了假日都充滿著人潮。但美術館與博物館等展示場所,卻因為展覽的物品內容、作者背景及創作理念往往廣博深遠,使得參觀者常常抱著走馬看花的心態,難以深入了解作品內涵。為了讓參觀者可以對展覽文物產生共鳴,我們提出一個建構於PDA手持裝置的互動式學習無線射頻識別 (Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)行動導覽系統,設計並提供參觀者人性化的學習導覽介面,參觀者只需透過PDA使用RFID感應讀取、選擇圖示及輸入關鍵字,即可立刻獲得展覽品的相關資料。 不同於傳統的行動導覽系統,我們加入了資料探勘、資訊檢索等技術,並結合RFID門票與長距離RFID讀取器實現互動式的導覽模式。我們以某個美術館為例,在館區內各個展覽品放置RFID標籤,參觀者可透過RFID讀取器感應放置的RFID標籤取得展覽品介紹資料,並進行知識問答或填寫問題。另外可藉由長距離RFID讀取器感應使用者的RFID門票,主動吸引參觀者觀賞較乏人問津的展覽品。加上使用協同過濾法與Apriori-like演算法分析參觀者的觀賞記錄,建立系統個人化推薦機制以協助參觀者欣賞館區中的其他展覽品。


In the 21st century, an era with abundant material resources yet lacking of spiritual life, people attend many exhibit centers, such as art galleries and museums, as leisure pursuits because they want to devote more attention to historical, cultural and artistic activities to refine their minds. The exhibitions, however, can contain extensive information, backgrounds, and ideas that the visitors cannot understand thoroughly in such a short time. Thus, we would like to propose an interactive learning-guide system, designed around Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) electronic tags and PDA, to assist the visitors in better understanding the exhibitions. With a friendly guide interface, users would be able to obtain the exhibition-related information through a PDA by interactively RFID reading, clicking on icons and inputting keywords. Different from traditional systems, this mobile guide, with built-in RFID ticketing and long-distance RFID reader, is supplemented with data mining, information retrieval, and other functions to help achieve the ideal format for interactive usage. Through this system, for instance, an art gallery could provide all of the relevant data as well as questionnaires and answers to frequently asked questions about the exhibitions to the visitors by placing an electronic tag at each one. The long-distance RFID reader in the system could help the art gallery promote certain exhibitions and attract visitors to areas that are less popular by enticing them to interact with the RFID tickets. The system could also utilize the data collected and analyze individuals’ viewing records by employing collaborative filtering and Apriori-like algorithms to create recommended viewing rules for visitors.


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