  • 學位論文


Integrating RFID Technique to Design Mobile Hand-Held Inventory Management System

指導教授 : 黃有評


無線射頻辨識技術,被稱為二十一世紀最重要的技術之一,是一種非接觸式的自動辨識技術,藉由讀取器所發出的無線訊號,辨識並取得天線範圍內電子標籤內所含的訊息。如今無線射頻辨識技術已廣泛的為各領域所應用,不論是在物流業務、供應鏈管理、倉儲管理、醫療保健、文物導覽系統等,皆能扮演著非常重要的角色。 憑藉著無線射頻辨識技術,我們建構出一套有別於傳統的行動式手持無線射頻產權管理系統,利用手持裝置的便攜性以及無線網路的普及,使管理者能不受環境、時間所拘限的輕鬆管理產權資料。我們將產權管理系統設計,建構於含有無線射頻讀取器的個人數位助理裝置上,經由讀取產權物品上所貼附的被動式電子標籤,再透過無線網路與後端伺服器資料庫交換,獲得產權物品的詳細資料,以便相關人員能即時檢索。除此之外,依照不同的使用者權限,本系統也提供了遠端的產權資料庫管理介面,讓管理者能藉由手持裝置的便攜性,隨時隨地的對產權資料庫做管理。 而後端管理伺服器系統方面,為了防制不當的使用者或是不法的更改資料庫內容,後端伺服器系統除了儲存產權資料表以及使用者權限管理表之外,系統內也將保留所有使用者操作本裝置時的所有流程記錄,包含使用者的登出入時間、讀取資料表清單、檢索資料表內容,甚至使用者對資料表所做的修改內容、時間,讓後端的高層管理者能對系統的使用、產權資料庫的存取一目了然。本論文除介紹無線射頻辨識所需相關技術外,亦詳細說明整個系統的架構及時實作成果。


Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), which has been called one of the most important technologies in the 21st century, is a non-contact and automatic identification technology. Through the radio wave from the RFID reader, the information in electronic tags can be identified. RFID technology has been used widespread nowadays and has many applications in supply chain management, storage management, telemedicine, guiding system, etc. A mobile hand-held RFID-based inventory management system is proposed in this study. Differing from the manual inventory management method, the proposed system works on the platform of personal digital assistant (PDA) with RFID reader. On the strength of the ubiquitous wireless network and mobility of the PDA, users can use the system and manage the inventory on the go. The system identifies the electronic tags on the properties and checks the property information in the back-end database server by ubiquitous wireless network. As a result, users can easily manage the inventory everywhere at anytime. The system also provides a function to manage the back-end inventory and assigns different levels of access right according to different user authority. In the back-end database server, to prevent improper or illegal access, the server not only stores the inventory and user authority list, but also records the user procedures, including the user login and logout, the records of access database, and every modification of the tables. This thesis presents an integrated mobile RFID hand-held inventory management system to improve the efficiency of the manual management system and provide various functions to enhance the management and save the time of checking the property information.


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