  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Education and Employment of Non-Industrial Design-Originated Students with Master Degree of Industrial Design

指導教授 : 吳志富


國內產業型態逐漸改變,開始重視設計帶來之效益,因此工業設計相關系所與學生人數不斷增加,大學主修非工業設計科系之學生也紛紛轉換跑道進入工業設計碩士班就讀,但這些非本科學生是否可如願以償擔任工業設計師,亦或是真如預期選擇了適合自己的發展方向? 本研究對象為由日間部工業設計碩士班畢業之大學非主修工業設計之學前非本科人士,並且已開始就業者。本研究採用問卷方式調查受測者之職業選擇狀況及在校求學狀況,並以卡方檢定、相依樣本單因子變異數分析、雙因子多變量變異數分析以及t檢定等統計方法進行統計分析。調查結果發現,僅46.7%的非本科學生於工業設計碩士班畢業後職業選擇為工業設計師,男性比例高於女性。從事其他職業者大多數仍是期望能夠擔任工業設計師,但期望程度顯著低於職業為工業設計師者。而大學主修領域與學前工作經驗所組成之學前背景的不同,在職業選擇上並未有顯著差異。在影響職業選擇因素方面,未選擇工業設計師為職業者,學前工作職務因素對職業選擇之影響顯著高於職業為工業設計師者;另一方面,職業為工業設計師之主修工業設計領域及碩士班工業設計教學因素對職業選擇之影響顯著高於非工業設計師。 受測者不論是否擔任工業設計師皆認為其在校學習成效於設計理論知識方面收穫較多,設計工具及設計實務學習成效皆不理想,但選擇工業設計師為職業者,在校時參與設計相關活動較積極,並在參與設計競賽上顯著高於未選擇工業設計師為職業者。受測者並認為設計實務教學課程、產學案與設計競賽以及畢業論文為設計創作報告對工業設計師職務之求職準備最為有幫助,而補強之教學措施方面,自行選擇補修課程與強制規定補修特定大學部基礎設計課程無顯著差異。最後受測者給予學校教學以及非本科學生求職之建議皆出現多舉辦及積極參與產學案、設計競賽與設計工作營等設計相關活動,以及培養電腦繪圖工具操作能力,顯示設計工具操作能力與設計實務能力仍為目前非本科學生急需加強之目標。


With the gradual evolution of domestic industries, the benefits of design have been more emphasized than before. The number of students majoring in industrial design or related subjects has constantly increased, and many non-industrial design-originated undergraduates have also shifted their majors to industrial design when pursuing a master’s degree. However, can these non-industrial design-originated students really become an industrial designer as expected or have they really made a correct choice for their career development? This study focuses on currently employed non-industrial design-originated graduates with a master’s degree in industrial design. Through a questionnaire survey, the occupation choice and education of the subjects are explored and analyzed with chi-square test, one-way ANOVA, two-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), and t-test. The results indicate that only 46.7% of non-industrial design-originated students chose to become an industrial designer after taking a master’s degree, and male students outnumbered female ones. Most of those who are currently involved in other occupations still expect to become an industrial designer, but to a significantly lower degree than incumbent industrial designers. The difference in areas majored in university and pre-study work experience does not have any significant influence on their occupation choice. In terms of the factors affecting their occupation choice, pre-study employment factors are significantly more influential to the occupation choice of non-industrial designers than to that of industrial designers. On the other hand, design areas majored and industrial design education in graduate school are also more influential to the occupation choice of industrial designers than that of non-industrial designers. The survey respondents, no matter working as industrial designers or not, all conceived that in terms of learning outcomes, they gain more from the theoretic knowledge than from design tools and practical learning. However, those who chose to become industrial designers tended to be more proactive in on-campus design activities and design competitions than non-industrial designers. The respondents suggested that practical design education, industry-academy cooperation cases, design competitions, and design reports are most beneficial to the preparation for seeking employment as an industrial designer. In the aspect of supplementary measures, optional and mandatory supplementary courses have no significant influence. Finally, the respondents suggested that the school authority should hold more industry-academy cooperation cases, design competitions, and design workshops and non-industrial design-originated students should also take part in these activities to enhance their familiarity with computer-aided design (CAD) tools. This finding reveals that the ability to operate CAD tools and the ability to perform design practice are goals that non-industrial design-originated students need to urgently achieve in the present.


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