  • 學位論文


The Factors Influence Online Game Players’ Shopping Behaviors on the Virtual Treasure Webs

指導教授 : 陳美芳


根據英國市調公司Juniper Research 在2006年的調查報告「Next Generation Video-Game Consoles」,預估2008年全球遊戲市場整體產值將達到350億美金,遊戲產業將會成為全球最大的娛樂產業。而電腦遊戲亦將全面邁向網路化,單機遊戲幾乎已經淡出市場,未來只有線上遊戲才能繼續存在。由於線上遊戲產業的蓬勃發展,以及玩家的熱烈參與,許多始料未及的衍生玩法、行銷及經營模式等如雨後春筍般的出現。近幾年虛擬寶物交易網站興起,但是國內外對於此新興型態產業之相關研究甚少,線上遊戲玩家在虛擬寶物交易網站之消費行為研究更是缺乏。 本研究為探討影響線上遊戲玩家在虛擬寶物交易網站購物行為的因素,從相關文獻整理歸納後整理出,資訊豐富性、服務性、安全性、便利性、價格、網站形象與知名度、信任、網站設計及客製化/個人化等九個影響因素。研究方法採用電腦網路問卷調查法,總計回收問卷505份,有效問卷為450份,佔回收問卷之89.11%;有購物經驗問卷234份,無購物經驗問卷216份,有、無購物經驗比為1.08:1。 研究結果發現,受訪者重視購買整體流程簡便與順暢以及售後服務;對於是否有實體通路(如網咖)協助與其他交易外之服務均非常重視。受訪者與大部分的台灣網路使用者調查結果的分佈情況接近,同樣都傾向以男性、年輕人、高學歷以及學生為主。對於各影響因素重視程度平均數之排序,最高為安全性,依次為便利性、價格、網站設計、服務性、信任、形象與知名度、資訊豐富性以及客製化/個人化。


According to the report “Next Generation Video-Game Consoles” of British market research company Juniper Research in 2006, they forecasted 2008 global gaming market value will reach 35 billion dollars; the game industry will become the largest entertainment industry in the world. The computer game will comprehensively enter the Internet and the PC games almost exit the market. Only online games will continue to exist in the future. As the online game industry flourishing and the players drawing enthusiastic participation of many unexpected derivatives rules, marketing and operation mode are mushroomed to happen. In recent years, the virtual treasure webs are rising, but it’s hard to get information or researches about this emerging industry. This study is trying to find out the factors that influence online gamers’ shopping behavior in virtual treasure webs. This study summarized the literature related to the nine impacts on consumer shopping behavior factors, Information Richness, Service, Security, Convenience, Prices, Image and Reputation, Trust, Website Design and Customization .The way to survey was in use of Online questionnaire, 505 counts of surveys were collected, exclude the ones with the same answer, repeated IP and e-mail, incomplete answers, valid surveys were 450 or 89% of returned surveys; the ones with shopping experiences were 234 and the ones without are 216, the ratio is 1.08: 1. The results found that views of factors influencing shopping behavior from having experience in virtual treasure webs. People who have experience care about the simple, smooth process and after-sales services; whether there is a pathway for entities (such as Internet cafes) assistance and other transactions, both attached great importance to service. Most of the respondents with the findings of Taiwan Internet users close to the distribution of the same tendency to men, young people, mainly students, as well as higher education.


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