  • 學位論文


A Study of Successful ERP – from the Organization Fit Perspective

指導教授 : 陳煇煌


由於全球化競爭經營模式,企業紛紛以導入企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP)系統為重要策略,但是導入ERP系統的失敗率仍然很高。本研究以文獻探討為基礎,探討ERP系統與組織適配的概念及調查ERP系統導入成功的相關因素。 本研究主要目的是希望針對國內已建置ERP系統的企業進行研究,探討影響企業導入ERP系統、組織及流程的各項因素。顯示較好的組織適配性在ERP的導入結果中是否扮演著相當重要的因素。調查對象以台灣前五百大企業且已導入ERP之公司為主,以電子網路問卷方式,透過調節迴歸的分析方法得知研究模式中納入之各項調節變數,對於企業的組織適配性與ERP導入結果所產生的調節效果進行分析探討,這些實務上所得到之研究成果可以協助本土企業導入ERP時可以掌握的影響與改變,及企業導入ERP之關鍵成功因素,作為國內企業在導入ERP時之參考與借鏡。 本研究結論顯示企業中專案經理於規劃ERP專案導入的同時,必須事先評估ERP系統與企業本身之間的適配程度,以便採取適當的調適,包括調整ERP系統以配合組織需求,抑或調整企業流程以符合ERP系統所制定之規則以減低風險跟使用者的抗拒。 而專案調適程度與流程調適程度的多寡也意涵改正性與調整性維護成本的增加,此研究發現ERP組織適配性對成功導入ERP有正面影響。為了降低組織抗拒所帶來的負面影響,ERP專案導入以前,夥伴成員之間須先協調、溝通出共同的願景與目標,雙方高階主管並能以身作則共同推動ERP系統的導入工作。


Many enterprises implement enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems as a bedrock strategy with a view to integrating all data and bringing an organization into an integrated system. However, most enterprises in the attempt to carry out ERP often end up in failure and it seems the probability of the mishaps is considerably high. This thesis research looks at the organization fit theory that takes an assumption that examining an organization’s characters and features beforehand can present a clear picture for the ERP implementers. Our study is to sort out key variables in organization fit corresponding to successful ERP cases. Questionnaires are sent through conventional postal means and electronic networks. Its samplings include top 500 enterprises in Taiwan with data regarding successful working experience of ERP as well as impacts on the ERP processes as a result of the related variables. The research result shows that organizational fit of ERP has a positive influence on implementation success. The research result also shows that none of ERP adaptation, process adaptation and organizational resistance has any moderating effect on organizational fit of ERP and the success of ERP implementation.


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