  • 學位論文


A Study on the Image of Visual Feature of Artificial Wood

指導教授 : 梁成一


仿木材料是目前室內設計常用之一種材質,而此仿木紋理的變化與室內設計的意象需如何做搭配,為本研究探討的重點。 本研究以具通直、清晰且粗糙木理之家具常用仿木材為對象,分四階段進行,第一階段為木紋意象形容詞對及室內設計整體表現意象形容詞對之適切性探討;第二階段為探討木紋、木理、擺放方向等視覺特徵因素變化在意象上關係探討;第三階段為探討不同色系的仿木材搭配不同的木理密度變化,對意象的影響;第四階段為實體樣本驗證。每一階段皆以滾雪球方式抽樣並採問卷調查方式進行,所蒐集到的資料再分別以單一平均數 t檢定、獨立t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Durbin test 及 LSD 分組進行探討。 第一階段共篩選出45 對適切用於形容木質紋理意象形容詞對和 29 對適切用於形容室內設計整體表現意象形容詞對;第二階段中顯示,切面的形式確實會影響受測者辨別仿木真實度;第三階段則顯示出,白色系之白橡木比起黑色系之胡桃木更具仿木真實度,另以原始粗糙木理進行密度變化,較疏的比起較密的紋理更像真實木紋;第四階段使用床頭櫃實體貼仿木皮進行測試,其結果跟只單看仿木紋抽屜板所得結果是一致的,尤其意象乾淨的、淡雅的及清新的等三個形容詞,更讓使用者認為其仿木紋裡更像真實木紋。 本研究發現仿木紋理確實跟室內設計意象有某種程度的關係,將原始粗糙且通直之木理,進行紋理密度的變化,確實會影響使用者的認知,這些發現可提供給設計師做為參考之用,以搭配出適合之仿木紋理。


視覺特徵 室內設計 仿木紋 意象


Artificial wood is widely used in interior design. This research analyzed the relationship between the features of artificial woods and interior image. This research used common artificial woods with clear and rough grain as subjects and includes four stages. Stage one:adjectives used on artificial woods and adjectives used on interior design were compared and analyzed. Stage two:the figure, grain and orientation of artificial woods, and how they affect the overall image were studied. Stage three:colors and grain density of artificial woods and how they affect the overall image were discussed. Stage four:artificial wood samples were applied to validate the results obtained afore. In each stage, questionnaires were used to collect data that was therefore analyzed through by one-mean Z-test, independent t-test, one way ANOVA, Durbin Test and LSD. In stage one, 45 pairs of adjectives were selected for artificial wood images, and 29 pairs of adjectives were selected for interior design. Stage two showed that different section views produce different perceived realism. Stage three showed light color artificial woods, such as oak, have better realism than dark artificial woods, such as walnut tree. Besides, loose grain creates better realism than dense grain does on artificial woods. In stage four, closet with artificial wood surface was used for test. The result was the same when a flat panel with artificial wood surface was used for test. Users even preferred artificial woods to real woods on attributes of cleanness, lightness and freshness. The findings showed that is a strong relationship between visual features of artificial woods and interior design image. Varying the grain density can affect perceived image. The results can be a valuable reference for artificial wood designers and interior designers.


visual Feature interior design image artificial wood


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