  • 學位論文


Collective Intelligence on the Move: A Peer-to-Peer Approach for Life Experience Sharing on Mobile Phones

指導教授 : 鄭穎懋


本研究嘗試依據人們行動的資訊需求特性,在相同的功能面上,以不同的底層架構實做出分散式的資訊檢索系統。在本論文中所提出的分享架構的目的在於,不改變使用者現有的分享平台與使用習慣,而是以背景執行於手機上的程式與自動化的分散索引節點,來完成使用者的需求。為了能夠有效的組織使用者所分享的照片索引,我們觀察了使用者訂閱瀏覽資訊的方式,發現RSS(RDF Site Summary)的格式能幫助我們統合各個不同的網路相簿服務商的資訊,並且將現有訂閱資訊瀏覽的概念轉化成為:以地點來訂閱在地人所分享的資訊。 論文中首先討論使用者紀錄與組織其生活照片方式的特性,並以訪談與問卷得知使用者行動資訊特性,因而此設計出分散式資訊檢索架構。此系統架構分別以常見的網頁程式平台AMP(Apache, MySQL, PHP)與J2ME實做於個人電腦與行動電話中,最後由使用者進行初步的實驗與評估後,得到部份介面的改進要點。


Web blogging and location-based social networking sites have gained tremendous popularity in the recent years. In this thesis we present a system for sharing life experience which is also based on the concept of Web 2.0 where users both contribute and absorb information. To eliminate the barrier of sharing life experience without new application learning burden and to organize the life experience in intuitive way is the main purpose of this research. Instead of the traditional centralized server approach, we are proposing a peer-to-peer architecture so that the advantages of scalability and low maintenance will benefit the new mobile application. Through interviewing camera phone user, we extract their sharing requirements. Based on mobile device user characteristic, we re-aggregate RSS(RDF Site Summary) by geo-coordinate. We made an effort on prototyping the dedicated peer node and background program on personal computer and mobile device by common web application platform: AMP(Apache, MySQL, PHP) and J2ME. After the user evaluation of our system, we have some gain of designing mobile information sharing application.


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