  • 學位論文


Build Collaborative Creative Platform with Intelligent Personal Knowledge Management

指導教授 : 陳士農


近年來隨著智慧型手機的蓬勃發展,以及網際網路的相關應用快速發展,使得資訊的取得越來越容易也越來越多元化,行動裝置的普及也讓使用者不管在何處都能輕而易舉的取得他所需要的知識。然而在廣大的網際網路上,多種的搜尋引擎以及眾多的論壇使得知識的來源極為複雜也導致資訊過量,這也讓知識的篩選及管理對使用者來說非常重要。 本論文建立一個協同創作平台,使用者可以隨時發表最新的創作成果,並且結合智慧型代理人系統幫助使用者提高查詢知識及學習的效率,此系統提供個人化搜尋機制,可以讓使用者過濾掉重複搜尋過的資訊,並且讓系統針對使用者的搜尋行為及習慣達到自動化更新及分類等功能,此外,系統與外部社群網站做連結,使用者的即時創作作品也可以立即分享給網際網路上的其他使用者。另外,針對隨時隨地都能創作的特性,在行動裝置上實做了一套簡易的創作分享系統,可即時分享創作給周圍的行動使用者,並且與協同創作平台做連結,達到即時創作、即時分享、即時取得所需知識的能力。


Digital technologies of media infiltrate increasingly diverse aspects of taking part in scenario and widely accomplished the new digital cultural forms and practices. The scenario of new media brings to light the possibility of conceiving the production of knowledge as a relative process involving interdependent correlations and networks of epistemological authority. This research integrates a new technology and consciousness of designing an intelligent agents system, to create a knowledge generating and sharing system through social media community platform. It particularly acknowledges local developments and their relativities is fundamental to the well-being of design, protecting design from creative exhaustion and commercial profit, but it requires the reorientation of design history’s most entrenched aspects, mainly its narration through art-historical approaches. The merit of the intelligent agent of this study is it helps users to build a system based upon the particular user’s practice; it has the function to collect data automatically via literature mining, and it determines the data raking and retains information into a Personal Knowledge Database. This agent will record all data detail into the system, to help the system generate a useful information structure for post sharing to any assigned social media platform. This system uses Extensible Markup Language (XML) to frame different files format, such as txt, jpg, gif, avi, wav, pdf, doc, xls, and ppt etc., in a friendly user interface and lastly uses a grid view to display search results within a browser interface.


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