  • 學位論文


Development and Study of an Intelligent System Platform for Knowledge Sharing and Management

指導教授 : 王淑玲


隨著資訊科技與網際網路的蓬勃發展,許多企業組織透過發展知識管理系統來強化企業體系的競爭能力,進而增加企業的獲利能力。然而過去企業僅著重在如何將既有的外顯知識妥善保存,而忽略了核心競爭能力主要還是源自於如何開發隱含在企業員工的經驗、技術能力、文化等知識,因此,為了提高企業的競爭能力,必須將內隱知識轉化為外顯知識,透過知識螺旋的運作,以達到知識分享與知識累積的相乘綜效。   有鑑於此,本研究希望應用知識螺旋為基礎,來發展智慧型知識分享與管理平台。首先,針對知識螺旋的四個活動程序,來建構相關的系統功能,包括:(1)藉由案例式推理以及知識管理來獲取、分類及組織案例知識庫;(2)透過Web2.0案例知識分享平台以及協同過濾推薦機制,促進知識在組織內流通,並產生互動、分享和傳遞的效果;(3)透過個人化知識管理入口促進使用者迅速掌握企業內部的知識資源,提高工作效率;(4)透過知識Q&A社群進行提問與議題討論等互動,促進內隱知識與內隱知識之間的轉換與交流。   本研究整合了以上四個功能發展-智慧型的知識分享與管理平台,希望能提升企業知識管理效能。最後並透過實驗測試,來評估系統效能,相關研究成果可作為企業發展知識管理系統之參考。


With the information technology and the Internet are vigorous growth, many organizations through the development of knowledge management systems totrengthen the competitiveness of enterprise systems and thus increase their profitability. However, the past, companies focused solely on how the existing explicit knowledge will be properly preserved , while ignoring the core competitiveness is mainly derived from the employees how to develop the knowledge that implicit in the experience, technical competence and cultural. Therefore, in order to improve the competitiveness of enterprises must be implicit knowledge into explicit knowledge, through the spiral of knowledge of the operation, to achieve the interaction of Knowledge sharing and Knowledge accumulated. Accordingly, this study was to apply the spiral of Knowledge as a base to develop an intelligent knowledge sharing and management platform. First of all, the four procedures that spiral of knowledge process to construct the relevant system functions, including (1)combiningcase-based reasoning and Knowledge management to obtain, classify and organize the knowledge base. (2) Through web2.0 Knowledge sharing platform, as well as collaborative filtering recommendation mechanisms to promote the circulation of knowledge within the organization, and to interact, share and disseminate results.(3)Through personal knowledge management portal for users to quickly grasp the internal knowledge resources, improve the work efficiency. (4) The Q&A community through knowledge to ask questions and discuss topics such as interaction, promoting implicit knowledge and implicit knowledge in the conversion and exchange. This study integrates the development of the above the features to proposed the platform, Intelligent system platform for knowledge sharing and knowledge management, that expects to enhance the effectiveness of enterprise knowledge management. Finally, it is through the experimental test to assess the performance of system. The related research can be the opinions that enterprise development the Knowledge management system.


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