  • 學位論文


The Development and Application of RapidAnalyzer

指導教授 : 陳宗天


近年來,日趨成熟的學術搜尋引擎例如Google Scholar、Microsoft Academic等等,讓研究者可輕易取得所需的學術文獻資訊,不但大量減少文獻蒐集時間更精簡大量人力,但如何從成千上萬的文獻資料中去蕪存菁過濾出真正所需的文獻資訊是值得我們更加深入探討與研究。 所謂研究智慧(Research Intelligence)就是在數以萬計的文獻資訊中,透過蒐集、萃取、分析與視覺化等技術,將結果以智識結構的方式來呈現,幫助研究者能快速了解其學術領域的重點,並且能找出其中的核心文獻,協助研究者在研究上的發展。 本研究以先前學長所開發的研究智慧平台RapidAnalyzer為基礎,提出新的平台RapidAnalyzer 2.0,將研究智慧平台做更進一步的功能整合與應用,把過去平台所缺乏的文獻蒐集、.Net檔轉換與文獻下載等功能一併整合進新版的研究智慧平台裡,讓整個研究智慧流程更趨完整跟自動化。日後研究者將可利用此平台完成所有研究智慧流程,節省大量時間與人力,讓研究者更加專注在結果分析上。


Constructing and visualizing the intellectual structure from vast citation information usually involves many tools applied in different stages, and the sequences of the analysis may be varied. It takes a steep learning curve and long time for a naïve user to learn these tools and their variant usages. This study extended the RapidAnalyzer platform by incorporating web crawlers, data transformation, and document downloading functions in it. This platform – RapidAnalyzer II is a realization of several well-received software engineering concepts, which includes reflection, late binding, inversion of control, dependency injection, and Aspect-Oriented programming. The platform utilized several widely used open source projects, including JUNG (Java Universal Network/Graph Framework), JAXB (Java Architecture for XML Binding), and Spring Framework. This platform realizes the concept of Research Intelligence, which is analogous to the idea of Business Intelligence. Our platform can find out the core papers of an academic domain by leveraging the citation information provided by the existing academic engines.. The process of building the intellectual structure is completely automated, which includes the following steps: 1) citation data gathering, 2) data transformation, 3) data filtering, 4) data reduction using factor analysis, page rank, and HITS algorithm, 5) visualization, 6) automatic paper collection to facilitate further analysis of the literature.


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