  • 學位論文


The Research of the E-reading Machine Based on the Traditional Reading Habit of the Elder

指導教授 : 吳志富


市面上的電子式閱讀載具型態已有許多種類,但對於銀髮族而言,仍欠缺親和性的考量,且與傳統式的閱讀習慣有很大差異性。本研究先透過深入訪談及問卷調查出銀髮族在電子式閱讀載具的真正功能需求,進而整合年長者閱讀傳統書籍習慣進行軟硬體介面設計。期能輔助高齡者在操作電子式閱讀載具時能夠建立良好的心智模式,減少操作時的挫折感。研究中以三組按鍵操作介面搭配有無電腦操作經驗及執行四種任務複雜度進行實驗操作任務,紀錄操作任務所需時間及按鍵操作次數,每組實驗後以NASA TLX量表。結果顯示,在執行任務時間績效方面:有電腦操作經驗優於無電腦操作經驗;任務複雜度"易"優於任務複雜度"中"優於任務複雜度"高(正向)"優於任務複雜度"高(逆向)";觸控筆及單手操作介面優於雙手操作介面,但兩者之間並無顯著性的差異。執行任務錯誤率績效方面:有電腦操作經驗與無電腦操作經驗者無顯著性差異;任務複雜度"高(正向)、任務複雜度"中"、任務複雜度"高(逆向)之間已無顯著性的差異,皆優於任務複雜度"易"的表現;單手與觸控筆操作介面對執行任務錯誤率績效的影響並無顯著性的差異且均優於雙手操作介面。NASA-TLX量表在心智負荷、生理負擔、時間負荷、精力耗費、表現績效、挫折程度等六個項目均顯示有電腦操作經驗優於無電腦操作經驗者且有顯著性差異;觸控筆介面優於單手操作介面優於雙手操作介面且有顯著性差異。交互作用相關性分析執行任務時間績效與執行任務錯誤率績效會相互影響,其餘均不互相影響。期望本研究之成果能做為未來適合高齡者使用之電子式閱讀載具介面設計之參考依據。


There are now a wide variety of eBooks on the market. Nevertheless, senior citizens tend to feel less affinity for these devices and find them a very different experience from their conventional reading habits. In this study, in-depth interviews and questionnaire surveys were used to identify the actual functions that senior citizens require from eBooks. This was then integrated with their conventional reading habits to design the software and hardware interface. The goal is to help older people establish a sound mental model for the use of eBooks and reduce the level of frustration during use. An experiment was conducted during the study using three sets of push button user interfaces, users with and without computer experience and four types of task complexity. The time and number of button presses required to perform the tasks were recorded and the NASA-TLX rating scale used after each test to determine their workload. The results showed that in terms of task execution time, those with computer experience performed better than those with no computer experience; for task complexity, the best rating was for "Low" difficulty, followed by "Medium", "High (Forward)" then "High (Reverse)"; there was no significant difference between a stylus or one-handed user-interface but both were preferred over a two-handed user interface. When it came to the task error rate performance: there was no significant difference between those with computer experience and those with no computer experience; for task complexity, there was no significant difference between "High (Forward)", "Medium" and "High (Reverse)". These were all superior to the performance for "Low" complexity; there was no significant difference in the task error rates for the one-handed or stylus user interfaces, and both performed better than the two-handed user interface. The NASA-TLX rating scale showed that in terms of mental load, physical load, temporal load, effort, performance and frustration level, the rankings for all 6 indicators were significantly better for those with computer experience than those with no computer experience; the stylus interface performed better than the one-handed user interface and this was in turn better than the two-handed user interface. These differences all met the test for significance as well. Correlation analysis indicated that the only correlation was between task execution time and task error rate performance, with no correlation between other combinations. This study will hopefully provide a useful reference for the design of eBooks interfaces suitable for older people in the future. Keywords: Senior Citizens, eBooks, Interface Design


Senior Citizens eBooks Interface Design


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林玲舟(2012)。資深公民使用資訊科技產品之自我學習、效能與消費捷思的關連性探討- 以去抑效應為中介因子〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2012.00573
