  • 學位論文


The Study of The Impact Service Quality of Car Long-Term Leases on Willingness of Continuing A Contract- By A Car Company for Example

指導教授 : 廖文華 林淑瓊


以往企業添購汽車時常會直接到汽車營業所購買,而與購車相關的汽車保險、稅單及定期保養、維修或臨時發生狀況等的雜事,皆需由企業本身自行處理,為了使企業免於煩雜事物的處理,汽車租賃業漸漸興起,由專人提供各項相關的服務;同時政府為提倡與鼓勵企業汽車租賃,給予許多汽車租賃的優惠條件。然而,國內外以從汽車租賃業者的觀點分析顧客關係、租賃業者產業經營及相關資訊系統運用的研究,以及提供租賃客戶服務品質與續約議題的研究較少有學者觸及。因此,研究中欲進行租賃客戶在租賃汽車前的期望與實際使用後的經驗感受探討,並且以PZB服務品質缺口為理論依據,以此觀察延續租賃客戶的租賃意願與關鍵因素。 在以瞭解影響長期汽車租賃客戶續約意願為主導,藉由問卷調查進行租賃客戶對於服務品質的認知分析研究,進而對於達到與租賃業者續約的影響因素分析,並且希望藉由此研究得知,汽車長期租賃客戶對汽車租賃公司服務品質的事前期望與事後實際感受差異,租賃公司提供的服務品質與客戶整體滿意度之關係,以及影響汽車長期租賃客戶續約的因素進行相關研究。 研究中透過文獻分析與租賃市場資料蒐集,解析及建構汽車租賃服務品質之研究架構包含「服務品質」、「顧客滿意度」、「顧客忠誠度」、「再續約意願」四大構面等,並以問卷調查的實證研究方式,探討租賃公司服務品質對滿意度、忠誠度及在續約之影響,問卷發放對象為某租賃公司之承租顧客,問卷回收並分析後,得到以下的結論。 1.承租顧客會因企業形象的差異而對服務品質不同的期望與感受 2.對於承租顧客有明顯差異的服務品質為關懷性,且為感受度大於期望,顯示顧客感受到租賃公司的關心程度大於所期望。 3.此家租賃公司的承租顧客對於租賃公司的滿意度與再續約,以及忠誠度與再續約的關係是有顯著相關,並為正向影響,意指對承租顧客而言,顧客滿意度及忠誠度越高,則再續約機率也會比較高。 租賃公司除了服務品質上不斷須提升外,更要去傾聽顧客,而改變租賃公司的服務內容,滿足承租顧客的需求,進而使承租顧客滿意,並提高顧客對汽車長租公司的忠誠度,建立良好的企業形象及服務品質,同時增加顧客推薦他人、再續約的機會及租賃業的競爭力,使競爭激烈的租賃市場,除了讓公司不受到景氣影響,還可提升公司獲利,永續經營。


An enterprise often buys commercial car directly in car sales office, as well as service products such as car-related insurance, tax form, regular maintenance and etc. From the purchase of car to purchase of service products, the enterprise must dispose all matters by itself. In order to free the enterprise from such matters, car lease service industry emerges gradually. However, there are only few studies on car lease service quality neither at home nor abroad, and most researches try to analyze the customer relationship management, lease management, and information system application from the angle of the car lease practitioner; few researches focus on the lease service quality and the customer’s willing of continuing a contract. Therefore, this research will discuss the customers’ expectation before leasing the car and their experience and feeling after applying the service, and base on Parasuramen, Zeithamel and Berry(shorted as PZB)’s theory to find out the key factors that can extend the customers’ willing of continuing a contact. This research mainly tries to find out the factors that influence the long-term car leasing customer’s willing of continuing a contract, through a questionnaire investigation to analyze the leasing customer’s cognition on service quality, thus to analyze the factors influencing the customers’ willing of continuing a contract. It is also hoped to know the differences of long-term car leasing customers’ expectation before leasing the car and their experience and feeling after applying the service, as well as the relation of service quality provided by lease company and the general customer’s satisfaction, and the factors influencing the long-term car leasing customer’s willing of continuing a contract. Therefore, assisted by a long-term car lease company in Taiwan, this research makes a questionnaire investigation on the long-term lease service quality all over the province. In order to understand the leasing customers’ cognition on the service quality provided by long-term lease companies, total 453 questionnaires are distributed and 123 valid questionnaires are recovered; the recovery rate is 27.2%. Through literature analysis and information collected from lease market, this research analyzes and constructs the research structure of car lease service quality, including service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and willingness of continue a contract. This research also applies the empirical research method of questionnaire investigation to discuss the influence of leasing company’s service quality on customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and willingness of continue a contract. The questionnaires are distributed to the customers of a lease company and get the following conclusions after analyzing recovered questionnaires. 1.According to the customers’ lease experience, they normally have higher expectation on the service quality of enterprises with good image. 2.As for the differences in expectation and actual feeling on service quality, the most obvious aspect is the degree of care, which is felt higher than expected. This means that the customers feel the lease company gives much more care than they have expected. 3.There is a significant relation between the leasing customers’ satisfaction with lease companies and their willing of continuing a contract, as well as between the customer loyalty and willing of continuing a contract. These are both positive influence, meaning that for leasing customers, the higher the customer satisfaction and loyalty, the more possible the willing of continuing a contract. A lease company does not only need to continuously improve the service quality, but also needs to hear the customer, in order to change the service content and satisfy the customer’s requirements, thus to satisfy the leasing customers. In addition, it is necessary to increase the customer loyalty on the car long-term lease company, establish good enterprise image and service quality, as well as encourage the customer to recommend new customers, increase the possibility of continuing a contract, and increase the competitiveness of the lease industry, so that in the serious competing lease market, the company will not be influenced by the negative climate, but improve the profiting opportunity for permanent operation.




