  • 學位論文


A Study of Transmission Efficiency and Vibration Reduction of Vertical Disk Drive Module Subjected to Base Excitation

指導教授 : 張英俊


在此科技產業蓬勃發達的工業市場,為滿足高速且多工的需求,進行更高密度及更高複雜度的資料處理及數值運算,已普遍使用價值不斐的工業電腦做高層工控管理,其標榜的就是高可靠度及高信賴性。而要成就工業級電腦的高可靠穩定度,其中有一個要角就是須能適應各種惡劣工業作業環境且要負責堆疊儲存大量數據資料的磁碟系統。 高速運轉作業中的磁碟最怕受到振動能量的侵襲而產生壞損,故本論文研究分析磁碟系統在各種不同的振動條件下,其資料傳輸作業的效率是否容易影響情形,進而設法有效改善提昇磁碟模組在承受到各種外來振動能量侵擾時的工作效率表現,這是本論文主要的研究方向。 本論文研究主要在分析磁碟系統在直立擺置固裝的條件下,承受由底座傳來的不同振動頻率(Hz)及振動量(g)時,其磁碟機對讀寫效能反應出的變化情形,以IOmeter測試軟體同步偵測得來資料傳輸值(MBps)來呈現其效率表現,並以實驗的方式,加裝各種不同性質的矽、橡膠抗震墊片保護之,並做數據分析比對,以求對磁碟系統之資料傳輸效率能有大幅的提昇改善。 經實驗證實顯示,磁碟機直立擺置工作時,其耐振能力相當不佳,經加裝防振設施後可有所改善,但仍建議如現時已相當普遍磁碟陣列機等,儘量勿將內部的磁碟機以直立的方式設計安裝,除非有先做好加強有效的防振設計。 另經實驗得知,將在低振動頻率表現傑出的墊片與在高振動頻率表現優秀的墊片結合一起做防振設計,確實能有效彌補雙方的特性缺陷,達到整體效能提昇的成效。


防振墊片 振動 磁碟機 傳輸效率


To fulfill the demands of high-speed and multi-tasking in the industrial market of progressing technology business, higher density and complexity data processing as well as numerical calculation are now commonly used in the relatively expensive IPC for high level industrial management with its well-known features of high reliability and stability. One of the key factors to make the IPC reliable and stable is that it can accommodate to various kinds of bad industrial working environments and has a disk system that can stack also save a mass of data. As the disk is most fear for the invasion of vibration energy and causes damage during high-speed operation, this thesis is to study and analyze the disk system for its data transmission efficiency under various kinds of vibration conditions. It also studies the ways to improve the performance of disk module when enduring various external vibration energies. The study of this thesis is focused on analyzing the variation of disk drive’s read-write performance when enduring the vibration frequency (Hz) and vibration level (g) from different bases under the condition of mounting the disk drive vertically. It used the IOmeter test software to detect the data transmission (MBps) simultaneously for efficiency presentation and added the silicon, rubber isolators of different natures for protection in experiments. The data was analyzed and compared in order to get substantial improvements in data transmission efficiency of the disk system. As the result of experiments shows, the vibration-resistant ability is rather poor when the disk drive is mounted vertically. This situation can be improved by installing the anti-vibration facility; however, it is still not suggested to install the internal disk drive vertically for the commonly used disk array nowadays unless more effective and improved anti-vibration facility is designed. From the experiments it is also learned that the anti-vibration design which combines the pads work outstandingly in both low and high vibration frequencies can actually compensate the deficiencies of both sides to enhance the overall performance.


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