  • 學位論文


Design and Fabrication of a Cold Therapeutic Product by Thermoelectric Effect

指導教授 : 郭鴻森 李基禎


冷療對物理治療而言是最常用的方法,大多運用在退燒與運動傷害上。市售冰敷袋的內容多為冷水或化學溶液需經由冰箱冷卻後才能使用,其冷敷的時效約為離冰箱後的半個小時以內,再次使用時又必須一小時以上的冷藏,再運用上十分不方便,且冷療過程中溫度運用不當是最常造成皮膚凍傷、神經麻痺、動作等的二次傷害主因。本研究旨在開發一新型冷敷裝置,使用熱電致冷器(TEC:Thermo-Electric Cooler, 以下簡稱TEC)並加入溫控電路控制TEC的開關加以調節敷袋內的溫度。且因為由電力發動,只要一直供電即可使敷袋保持定溫,不似一般的敷袋只能維持10-20 分鐘。當嬰幼兒發燒不適合服用退燒藥時,便可使用此冷敷器,不會因冰袋太冷不適,又可達到退燒的目的,不需要專人每過一段時間來換一次,只有供電就可以冷敷整個晚上,且有溫度控制不會因為溫度過冷而造成二度傷害。經實驗測試系統在無負載時只要16分鐘即可由24℃下降至冷敷最適當的18℃,負載5瓦時也只需22分鐘,其便利性大為增加,應用範圍也較一般敷袋更廣。


The cold therapy is often used to bring down a fever and to cure sports injuries. Most of the ice packs, bought from the market, are restrained by the time duration because the cold water or phase change material in ice pack can sustain within half hour when leaving the refrigerator. Before cold therapy, the ice packs must be stored in the refrigerator for at least an hour for the next therapy which is not convenient at all. Also, the inappropriate temperature span during the cold therapy is often the main cause of skin frostbite, nerve paralysis and other secondary injuries. In this study aims to develop a new cooler device which used thermo-electric cooler (TEC).And the temperature is control by a LM358 comparator, when water temperature is higher than target temperature , the comparator will instruct relay turn on TEC until water temperature is lower than target and then relay turn off TEC. This is the way to maintain the constant temperature. The continuous electricity supply helps the water pack to maintain the constant temperature all the time, not as a general bag only enough to maintain the 10-20 minutes. The baby is not suitable for taking antipyretic with a fever, they can use this device to bring down a fever, the cold pack doesn’t need to replace in the whole night. And the temperature control prevents secondary injuries from cold therapy. Without external thermal load, this cooler demonstrates that the water in ice pack takes within 16 minutes to lower the fluid temperature from 24℃ to 18℃,When the external thermal load is 5 Watts, this system takes only 22 minutes to do so. Therefore, this TEC is in a more convenient way and has broad applications than the common ice packs.


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