  • 學位論文


User Interface Design of the Mobile Navigation System for Heritage Temples-A Case Study of Lungshan Temple

指導教授 : 陳立杰


古蹟是人類社會發展與文化活動之留存證物,具體地反映每個地方、每個時代的生活方式。在台灣古蹟中以寺廟之份量占得最重也最多,是民間社會文化的重要表徵。而萬華艋舺龍山寺可說是一座由清代、日據時代與光復後三段時期綜合表現的寺廟藝術。龍山寺和故宮博物院、自由廣場並列為外國觀光客來台灣旅遊的三大勝地,民國七十四年被政府列管保護的國家二級古蹟。本研究目的探討古蹟寺廟行動導覽系統的介面模式和資訊架構, 以使用者的角度來了解,人們對於導覽的需求有哪些功能,什麼樣的導覽方式可以讓參觀者更接近古蹟寺廟的內涵,更加深他們對於龍山寺的印象跟了解,讓文化得以傳承下去。 本研究實驗進行主要分成三個階段,第一階段主要在古蹟寺廟導覽現況分析、使用者經驗調查,先以文獻分析和田野調查法(field research)實地探訪結果為基礎,並以質化方式分析目前古蹟寺廟導覽的現況及內容,邀請受訪者以問卷調查及個別訪談之方式進行調查。第二階段根據第一階段分析結果,設計兩套導覽原型,邀請受測者進行上機操作比較,以問卷個別訪談方式探討使用者對於介面設計的功能及需求,找出設計因子。第三階段為綜合以上兩階段之分析結果,進行兩套實驗平台設計、測試與實驗,問卷以九階的李克特量表(Likert scale)和詢問意見做主觀性的量測,並在行動裝置上設定錄製受測者操作情形及時間,進行客觀性評量。再使用spss以獨立樣本T檢定,找出兩套系統不同任務中的差異性,探討出符合使用者喜好及需求的古蹟寺廟導覽系統設計原則,將分析結果加以整理後提出建議。 實驗結果顯示1. 活潑風格的概念化地圖可以提升參觀者使用導覽系統的興趣。2. 在導覽系統介面中,介紹神明的稱謂以下拉式選單同時出現,讓參訪者可以一次看到該殿全部的神明有哪些。3. 在點選觀看神明資訊的時候,將選項條列式出現在首頁,從首頁就可以直接進入資訊介紹。4. 將介紹資訊出現在原本點選地圖的上方,按在對話框上方的叉叉,就把介紹資訊的對話框關掉回到點選地圖。5. 選擇下一個故事的方式,將往左的箭頭按鍵設計在左下方,同理選擇前一個故事的按鍵,即是將往右的箭頭設計在右下方。6. 在最上方用數字標示出共幾個故事,讓使用者想選擇下一個故事的時候,可以直接從現在的頁面點選數字。


Historic relics are the evidence of social development and cultural activity. They reflect the life style of every place and time. The greatest historic relics in Taiwan are temples as they represent folk, society culture. Mong-jia Lung-Shan temple in Wanhua, is an art temple which has a mixed building style from three periods: the Ching Dynasty, the Japanese Colonial Period, and the Recession of Taiwan. Lung-Shan temple, National Palace Museum, and Freedom Square are the three famous resorts in Taiwan. They are classified as Class 2 historical sites by the government in the 86th year of the Republic Era. This study primarily discusses about the interface mode and information structure to the guide system of historic temples. From the viewpoint of users, we want to understand what navigation functions people need, and what ways that visitors can learn more about the meaning of temple. To strengthen their impression and understanding of Lung-Shan temple, and to keep this culture passing down. This research experiment is separated into three parts: the first step primarily analyzes the current guide of historic temples and investigates users’ experience. Then based on the reference analysis and field research, the researcher analyzes the current guide and content of historic temple by the way of qualitative approach. This will be investigated by inviting visitors to take a survey and personal interview. In the second step, which according to the result of the first step, the researcher designs two sets of navigation prototypes and invites subjects to compare them by interacting with the prototypes. To find the design factor, the study discusses functions and the needs of interface design for users by the personal interview and survey. The third step is to integrate the analysis results from the above two steps. It creates two sets of experimental platforms for tests and experiments. The survey is investigated by nine-point Likert scale and requires the suggestions to be the objective measurement. It is found that there were differences between the results from the two systems, using single simple T test. Finally, the author discusses the design rule of historic guide system to conform to users’ preferences and needs, and proposes suggestions based on the analysis result. The results of experiment are as follows. 1. The lively style of conceptual map can increase users’ interests when they operate the guide system. 2. Among the interface of the guide system, users can see the entire appellation of gods as users drag the option. 3. It is important to display the options on the homepage. If visitors want to know the information of god and enter the homepage, they can see it directly. 4. It is better to display pop-up information of interest points on top of the map. Users can press the cross icon to close the dialog box of pop-up information. 5. The way of choosing the next story is putting the left arrowhead at the left bottom and the right arrowhead at the right bottom. 6. To know how many stories available, the number should be marked on the top. Users can click on the number to choose the specific story they want.


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